The swan lake

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Pedri <3
Hi. Are you free later today? - Pedri


Pedri <3
Great! I will met you outside your dorm, just send me the number. how about 4 o'clock?

That's sound good:) This is my dorm room number: -

The last class for the day was about to end and I was so excited to meet Pedri later.
I rushed home to get ready and freshen up.

All day I have been trying to make up excuses for who the girl I saw him with this morning was, but nothing other than his girlfriend makes sense.
I will ask him when I get the chance. I need to know.

4 o'clock exactly, I heard someone knocking on the door. I tried not to run over to it, even if my legs wanted too. I had to stay calm and act mature, or else maybe he would still look at me as a kid.
I took one big breath in, and let it out before opening the door.
He was standing outside my dorm room, looking good as always. This would have been perfect if it actually was a date.

Without putting much thought into it, I went in for a hug, and he hugged me back. I pulled back smiling at him.
"Shall we go?" He asked me politely.
"Where are we going?" I asked, since he never actually told me.
"We are getting ice cream. I know how much you love that." He said, laughing a little.

I do love ice cream, and I am surprised he remembered that I do.
Every summer as kids when he was visiting, my mom would give me, my brother and Pedri some money to buy ice cream. I would always finish mine before the other two and start begging to get a taste of theirs too. My brother usually got annoyed and tell me I was stupid. But not Pedri. Pedri would always share his ice cream with me.

As we was walking towards the ice cream shop, we talked about our future plans.
I told him I recently been wanting to become a teacher, because I love helping kids. I went on and on about how important good teachers are for the children's education and that I want to help as many as possible to have an enjoyable experience with school.

While I was taking, Pedri was looking at me all invested and he was really paying attention to me. I could feel his eyes on me the whole time and it made me a bit nervous. He has the same affect on me as when we were kids.
It's amazing how none of my feelings for him have changed.

Pedri told me that he wanted to become a doctor, but that he was conflicted. He didn't know what to choose between his football career and his dream about saving lives.
He loved the idea of both of them. I felt a little sorry for him. It was a tough decision to make, but I'm sure he will figure it out.

When we got to the shop, Pedri asked me if I wanted the flavor I loved back when we were kids. Strawberry. I told him yes, because it was still my favorite flavor. He remembers, I thought to myself, smiling.
He ordered and paid like the gentleman he is. Since it was a sunny day, we took our ice cream outside and sat down at a bench in a park close by. It was a huge lake in front of us with swans swimming around. The scenery was beautiful.

We were sitting in peace, enjoying the sun and each other's presence.
After eating a good portion of my ice cream, I broke the silence.
"So I wanted to ask you about something." I said nervously.
"Shoot." He said.
I was playing with my fingers, trying to think of how I should formulate the words I was about to say.
"So the girl you came to class with today.." I started.
"Mmh?" He added when I got quiet.
"Is she.. you know.." ugh. I don't wanna say it.
"What?" He asked with a soft tone.
"You know.. is she your g- girlfriend?" I tried not to stutter when I said the g-word, but I failed horribly.

He stopped for a moment to think about what I had just said.
"You mean Aurora?" He asked, but I shrugged my shoulders because I didn't know her name.
"Well, she's not really my girlfriend." He told me. I felt a wave of relief and all the tension I didn't even notice I had build inside of me, leave.
"So what is she then?" I asked, trying not to sound like I cared too much.
"We been dating for a while, but it doesn't seem to work between us." He said to me as he sent me a half-hearted smile.

I didn't know if I should continue asking more questions about the topic, or just leave it. The curiosity was killing me. He was obviously hurt about something, but it wasn't my business and I didn't want to pry. I hope he will tell me when he feels for it. Instead I tried to change the subject.

"I can't believe you still remember what my favorite ice cream flavor is." I said, putting another mouthful of ice cream into my mouth.
"I remember a lot of things about, you know." He said as he was smirking at me. The way he said it made me almost choke on my strawberry ice cream.
What was that supposed to mean?

Before I could ask him, he got up to get closer to the swans in the lake. As he got to the edge, he stopped and looked at them fondly.
I got up and hurried over to where Pedri was standing, leaving my ice cream behind.
I tried to follow his gaze to see what it was he was so fascinated about.
It was two huge white swans swimming beside each other. They seemed calm.

"Did you know swans mates for life." He said. He sounded far away.
I looked up at him, but his gaze was still fixed on the swans.
"They only have one partner for their whole life, if one of them dies, they other one could pass away from a broken heart." He said, turning his head to look at me.
When my eyes met his, it felt he was staring into my soul, like he could see right through me. My heart started to race faster, and I could feel it beating hard inside my chest.

"I didn't know swans were so romantic." I said, moving my eyes from him to the swans.
He let out a laugh and I could tell he was still looking at me. I couldn't bring myself to look back up at him, I would simply fold.

I totally get the swans and why they mate for life. To be fair, I think I can relate.

Ever since I was little, I have always known who I wanted to be with and live the rest of my life with. I have never been able to imagine someone else. I would always love Pedri.

"It's getting late. Let me take you home." He offered.

Destined to be together; Pedri & Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now