The next day

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I woke up to the smell of toasted bread and cooked eggs.
I sat myself up to check who was in the kitchen.
It was Pedri.
His back was facing me and he was pouring something into a cup.
I got out of the couch to get a closer look.

"What are you making?" I asked, peaking over his shoulder.
"Breakfast. Coffee?" He asked, smiling at me softly as he handed me the cup.
"Thank you." I said. I took the cup and a small sip.

He turned his attention back to the cooking. I couldn't tell what he was making, but it smelled lovely.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked, while flipping something in the pan.
"It wasn't so bad, actually." I said, putting my hand in my neck, noticing it was stiff from the position I had slept in.
Pedri looked up at me and saw me making a painful expression with my face.
"I can tell." He said, laughing quietly and shaking his head.

He put what he was holding in his hands down and pulled out a chair. He made a gesture for me to sit down, so I did.
He got behind my back and put all my hair over to my left shoulder. I turned around and looked at him confused. He sent me a reassuring smile and told me to relax.
It wasn't easy, considering he so close to me.

He then put his hand on the back of my neck and started to massage it, carefully.
His hands was warm and he put the perfect pressure into every movement. I felt the tension in my neck slowly leaving.

After a moment he stopped and put my hair behind my back again. I noticed he was playing with it, but I was to nervous to say anything.
I could feel his fingers running through it. I tried to not forget how to breathe and squeezed my arm to check if I was still dreaming.

"Your hair looks just like when we were kids like this." He said, laughing through his words as he let go of my hair.
Shit, I thought. I still haven't fixed my hair. I don't want him to see me like this.

I tried to brush through my hair with my fingers.
"Oh no, is it messy?" I asked, panicked.
"No, you are cute like that." He said as he got back to his cooking.

I couldn't stop a smile from forming on my lips. He had just called me cute. SOS.
He turned to look at me and caught me smiling, which made him chuckle.

In the same moment, I could hear Gavi entering the room. He had just woken up, as he was stretching his arms over his head and let out a small yawn. He noticed me and smiled.

"Good morning, y/n! You're still here." He said, happily skipping towards me.
He planted a small peck on my cheek, so I laughed and hit him playfully on his arm.
"Good morning to you too." I said, smiling at him.

Pedri placed a plate full of food in front of me. It looked incredible. I didn't even know he could cook like that.

"Here. Eat this. I need to go. Talk to you later." Pedri said, storming out without looking at me or Gavi. Gavi looked in disbelief towards the door.

"Okay, that was weird." Gavi said, turning to look at me confused.
What had just happened? Pedri had went from being all happy and cheerful to being pissed off. Was he okay? I suddenly got worried.
Maybe something was bothering him, something I didn't know of. Was it his problems with Aurora which he hadn't told me about?
I wish he would talk to me about what he was going through, instead of keeping me guessing.

"Would you mind sharing that?" Gavi said, pointing his finger towards the plate Pedri had made for me.
"Here. Take it. I'm not hungry." I said, pushing the plate towards him.
I had lost my appetite.

I was looking at the door, wondering if I should follow him.

I sighed and looked at Gavi, who was eating of the plate like he was in a hurry.
"Do you know what the deal with Pedri and that girl is?" I asked him, looking down on my hands.
Gavi stopped eating and tilted his head at me.
"What girl?" He asked lost.
"The Aurora girl he has been dating." I said, trying not to roll my eyes at the thought of it.
"Oh! Right." He said thinking.

He finished chewing the food left in his mouth before he started to talk.
"They have been kinda on and off for a year. I am not sure what the deal is, since he doesn't really take about her with me, but.." He said, stopping in the middle of his sentence and looked straight ahead into nothing in particular.
I could tell he wanted to say something he maybe shouldn't.
"But what, Gavi?" I said curiously.
He took another bite of his toasted bread, chewed and swallowed it.

"They are complicated. I haven't really talked about this with Pedri, but I there were rumors about Aurora cheating on him. I assume he lost his trust in her after that." Gavi told me.

This is unbelievable. You get the chance to date Pedri, and you cheat?
"Why is Pedri still seeing her then?!" I said, clearly upset and annoyed. He did not deserve that. He deserves someone loyal, someone who was willing to offer everything for him.
"To be honest, I don't get it either." Gavi said, just as upset as me.

Now I worried even more about Pedri. He had been going through some stuff, and I feel awful that I couldn't be there for him.

Destined to be together; Pedri & Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now