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James sighed as he sat beside his sister.

"What's wrong?" She asked

"Lily isn't in love with me"

"Oh, you poor thing." She smiled as he rested his head on her shoulder.

"I'm lovable right?" He asked. She smiled

"James, maybe give her some space?"

"I have!" He exclaimed.

"Maybe give her a little more?"

"In his defence" Peter said, sitting down

"He can't possibly give her more space."

"If She is on the sofa, then I am in the dorm. I sit at the other end of the classroom to her if she is at the table, im sat further down, but I look at her once and she explodes on me"

"I can talk to her"

"Perfect! I'll arrange the wedding"

"James!" Lilac sighed as he ran off.

"Hell come around Lilac, he always does. You know that." Peter smiled at his friend. Lilac returned the smile and began to help Peter with his potions assignment.

"You are being silly! You really are!" Lilac said to Ross as he pushed him to the tree, where their friends were sitting.

"They're going to hate me!"

"No they're not, I wouldn't be encouraging this if I thought otherwise"

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Joseph asked

"Yeah, you two have been sneaking about together, are you dating?" Evie asked, making Severus look up in shock

"No!" Ross said

"I was just telling Ly that... That I have a crush on Mary McDonald!" He lied

"Aw, you two would be so cute!" Evie smiled, Lilac stared at Ross in shock. The duo sat down and he whispered

"I'm not ready yet, thanks though,"

She smiled and nodded as a letter dropped on her lap.

'Oh how your lips are like a rose,

How your hair looks great in bows,

I could be yours if you chose,

I'll be watching as the summer wind blows,

yours, Gilderoy Lockhart'

She looked up and saw the boy sitting with his friends, he winked and waved at her, causing her to blush

"Earth to Potts! Come on, we have Herbology with Slytherin" Marena said, pulling her friend up.

"Sorry." She said embarrassed. Marena shrugged it off and they walked to their class.

"Gilderoy Lockhart sent me a love note" Lilac told Severus

"What?" He asked

"Well, not a love note per se, more of a poem" She blushed and handed him the letter


"Oh really? Can you top that?" She asked

"It's the strangest feeling, To love someone who doesn't know you,

You see them every day,

And you can't help but fall,

You watch them from afar,

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