Yeah, she is a potter

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If there was one thing Lilac was certain of, it was that Sirius Black wasn't himself.

Over the past few weeks at Hogwarts, Sirius and James had gotten close, which meant that Sirius was closer to Lilac. Lilac had always been observant She had observed that Sirius gets moody just before potions, she observed that he avoided conversation about his family, and he avoided Bellatrix, Narcissa and Andromeda like the plague.

So on this particular day when he was twirling his fork on his plate with a frown on his face at lunch, Lilac couldn't help but notice.

"You okay Sirius?" She asked. He looked up and smiled.

"Better than okay, Lala." He smiled a fake smile. Sirius' cheekbones raise higher when he smiles.

"Sirius, you can talk to me you know. I'm not going to judge you." She told him. He gave her a defeated smile.

"Thanks, Lilac, I appreciate that."

She smiled at him before gathering up her books and going to the library.

Lilac looked around and saw a group of older Slytherin boys and a few girls from her year who were quite mean. She sat on a chair and began to study. She looked up as the girls giggled while pointing at her. She sunk lower into her seat, her face reddening as she felt her insecurities bubbling and boiling over.

She jumped out of her skin as the group of older Slytherins sat at her table. They sent her a small smile.

"Rodolphus Lestrange." One introduced.

"Rabastan Lestrange."

"Walden McNair."

"Lilac Potter." She introduced

"Potter? Aint all Potters Gryffindors?"

"All except me." She smiled. The teenage boys looked at her. They couldn't help but return the smile.

After around a half hour, the group of Slytherins walked the Hufflepuff to the great hall, where she sat with her friends

"Where were you?" Marena asked

"Library, studying." She smiled and looked at her friends, who all had their books out.

"Come on guys, let's get to class." Evie smiled and held her arms up. Lilac grabbed her arms and pulled her up.

Lilac sat in History of magic beside Marena, both girls were falling asleep when something was thrown at Lilac's head. She looked up and saw a scrunched-up piece of paper. She uncrunched it and saw her brother's messy writing.

"I'm bored." It read. She rolled her eyes and looked to her brother who was sitting beside Dorcas Meadows, who was picking at the sides of her nails, clearly not enjoying James' company. Lilac giggled at her brother's expression.

"I'm bored as well" Marena yawned. At least they had Herbology next. Professor kettle burns openly admitted to everyone that he favours his Hufflepuffs over anyone, all heads of houses do. They also have their favourite students, Kettleburn favours the group of Hufflepuffs who laugh and smile at his jokes.

"It'll be over in around forty-five minutes," Lilac said to her friend, who groaned and went to bang her head off of the desk, but Lilac put her hand down before her friend hurt herself.

"Thanks, Pots."

"No problem Bots." She smiled at her friend as three Slytherin boys ran in late. One of those boys was Severus Snape, who had tripped over Sirius' foot, making him and his books hit the floor next to her. She moved to help him. He sent her a gentle smile.

"Thank you." He smiled.

She shrugged and passed him his books. He and one of his friends sat in front of them.

After the lesson ended, Severus ran to catch up with Lilac.

"Lilac!" He called her name

"Yeah?" She asked as he caught up with her and Marena.

"I- I was just wondering if you wanted to sit with me in Herbology?"

"Sure, as long as you don't mind sitting with a few friends of mine as well?" She asked. He sent a small smile and nodded, following the Hufflepuffs.

Severus found that the popular Hufflepuffs were rather funny and friendly. Especially Lilac. Marena seemed to get on the best with the Potter girl . Lilac was kind and caring, she purposely made sure Severus was included in the jokes, or if someone made a reference to inside jokes, she told Severus all the details so that he wouldn't feel left out.

Severus appreciated that.

He never felt so at ease with anyone other than Lily, who had become so infatuated with her Gryffindor friends that she barely noticed Severus was feeling as if he didn't belong anywhere in Hogwarts. He was a half-blood Slytherin. Of course, he was out of place.

"So Sev, what part of England are you from?" Joseph asked


"Never heard of it. I live in Devon a harbour town called Brixham" Joseph smiled

"I'm not too far from there. Plymouth." Evie beamed

"I'm from Bristol," Marena said

"Newcastle" Ross interjected

"Ottery St Catchpole" Lilac smiled, thinking of the small village of Godric's Hollow where she and her family reside.

"That sounds fancy." Evie smiled and nudged Lilac.

"Some areas are. We live in a village, really small. Our cottage looks small from the outside, but it is charmed to be the size of a manor." She told them.

"That sounds so cool." Ross beamed; the group nodded

James was confused by the sight he was seeing. Lilac was with Snivellus Snape. Why in God's name would she be friends with that git?

"Sirius mate. Do you see that?" He asked his friend who looked over and frowned

"Why is Snivelly with your sister?"

"Because he has no friends, ain't that right Snivvy?!" James called from behind them as they made it to the greenhouses. Severus looked down and Lilac walked to her brother and his best friend.

"Why are you being so mean to him?"

"He is a Slytherin. They're all bad."

"That's not true. The Slytherins have been nothing but nice to me and my friends, maybe if you put down your ignorant bias for your own house, you'd make your life here a bit easier." She ranted and turned on her heel to go back to her friends.

"That was terrifying," Sirius said to his friend. James smirked in his sister's direction. She was just like their mother, she had a sharp tongue that no one wanted to go against.

If anyone questioned that she was a Potter, they'd only have to piss her off and find out.

Yeah, she is a Potter alright.

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