I'm Drowning Let Me Burn

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My mind is like a burning disaster.

Gyrating into a sea of shouting voices that seem to pierce thin air.

The sea is drowning me and I can't come up to breath.

My lungs sink low to my stomach like the unsinkable ship, my clothes floating to the surface that hid my body from the world.

Undetectable to the human eye I become as my deep dark ocean trenches consume me.

I feel the water spill out of my eyes and mouth being rung out like a used rag.

Explosion of condensed waste. Emotions boiling in the midday sun.

You toss me to the ground

Fear of pain.

Your body is built to know pain and stay away from it.

You take a second glance at my steaming surface to the cold airless world around me and pick me up again.

The heat and anger boil your skin on your fingers. First, second, third degree burns that make the nerves die and you can't feel me hurting you anymore.

You think I can change but in all actuality I'm altering you to know pain as love and if you can't see through the hot fog in your face that runs your glasses with condensation..

Put me down again. Where I belong. Baking myself in my own disdain you don't need me.

You need a napkin, a Clorox wipe to disinfect the places you wish to romanticize.

Put me in a bucket in your garage to forget about.

A place for me to dry out, the moisture and heat from the past melting the bucket encasing me in the plastic and forcing me into the earth.

Lock me away into history.

Global warming will take care of me soon the earth will cry and scream at my boiling point and volcanos will ring themselves out just as I did.

The earth won't always be cold and not everyone will live and see the steam coming off of bad people. But you can.

Don't put out my fire.

Wild fires just need to burn.


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