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3dr person POV:

(Y/n) walks out of the library and squint at the bright sunlight hitting her eyes. She use her left arm to block out some of the sun as she looks up to notice how beautiful the sky is, "Definitely a good day to take some photos. Aight, lez go."

Using this opportunity, (y/n) explore more than the perimeter she was familiar with. Her first stop is a neighborhood on the opposite side of were she stays.

There she took pictures of the tall buildings, some of which are decorated with cute or cool animated characters. She also took some pics of people passing by and doing their everyday daily routine. Then, she decided to take a picture herself with a peace hand sign along with the buildings in the background. 

After the picture was took a hand grasp her right shoulder. (Y/n) looks over her right shoulder to see some scary looking dudes that for some reason looks way older than they should be for their age, "Hey, you got a nice looking camera there. Mind if we borrow it for a bit?" the dude, that still hasn't let go of her shoulder asked as his eyes hints towards the camera in her hands. (Y/n) observe them and upon closer inspection, they have similar looking uniform-

A lightbulb went off inside her head.

"Ah." she stated in realization, they were here to get her. "Whelp, time to run." she casually said before ripping herself away from the grasp of the dude and swiftly escape them with relative ease.



She watch them scurry about from a hiding spot above the lots in an alleyway. The small group of gang yelled out in frustration and one shove the other, putting the blame on the others. (Y/n) just chilled in her hiding spot, playing games on her phone while listening to them bickering back and forth. Before her mind drifted into thinking about food, she heard multiple footsteps leaving the alleyway. She waited for a couple of minutes just to be safe before jumping down. Then, she simply walks the streets as if nothing happened.  

As she turns a corner and into a rather quiet street, just then, her stomach grumbles, "Aw man....I'm hungry." as she commented an aroma enters her nose, an all too familiar scent, especially since she work with them almost all the time, "Coffee. Now that's the smells of home." (Y/n) follows the scent until it lead her to a comfortable looking local coffee shop, "Neat." she simply said before pushing the door to enter the shop with the coffee scent now slapping her face full force.

She briefly took a moment to observe her surrounding. (Y/n) took note how there aren't many people and the few who are present consist of people ranging from either their late twenties or older with one or two exception of a young individual such as herself. (Y/n) walks up close to the display area where multiple delicacies are shown off. "Hello, what can I get you?" her head move towards the voice and soon her eyes were met with the warm eyes of a middle aged man. He wore round glasses and wore clothes similar to what she would wear for work. "Uhm-" (y/n) can somewhat read japanese now but again, it's not enough unfortunately, because she stared dumbfoundedly at the foreign words in front of her. (Y/n) ultimately gave up and pointed at one that looks the most delicious, "This one and one coffee, please." (y/n) said to which the man hums, "Kiyoshi! Can you put (sweet of choice) into the box for me? I have to prepare the coffee!" he loudly said to which soon another voice responds, "Hai!" 

From the back door, a young boy emerges with a crutch. The boy, Kiyoshi, seemed younger than (y/n) by a few years. As Kiyoshi bends down to get (sweet of choice), (y/n) eyes landed his left leg and noticed that his entire shin is gone. Kiyoshi noticed her gaze which prompted him to look down in shame and frustration. He quickly pack up the delicacy and placed it on the counter before he swiftly retreat back behind the door.

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