Great. Just great.

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Characters in this story are the same age as in the other story cats

If you see "this" it means the character is speaking in english.

(y/n)'s POV:

 Unveiling my mask about halfway to allow my eyes, that held a look of disbelief, to stare down below me at the night city from a tall building, in which I ended up "magically" appeared on, "What...the..fuck?" I muttered observing the new and unfamiliar environment. It didn't took me long to realize that I'm now in Japan due to the obvious Kanji slapping everywhere my eyes reaches to.

I just remember swinging around to look for a good spot to take pictures with my dad's camera....then all of a sudden I blacked I...the only one here?....Did I got teleported?

My expression could only contort into concern and unease at the reality of the situation that now settle itself in my brain. How is this possible? What caused it? Why am I here?


My heads whipped towards the noisy to see a young man with blonde hair that was braided at the back and has a dragon tattoo on his left temple standing by the already open door. I felt myself froze as I realize my face is out in the open, I was too busy pondering over my circumstances that I forgot about my surrounding! But it doesn't seem like he realize who I am yet, I should try to play it off. 

"Oi! Who the hell are you?! How the fuck did you get up here?! You should know that this place is off-limit!" the young man said as he approaches me with clenched fists and soon stood about a few feet away. I stare at him, blinking owlishly with knitted brows.



















What? Did he just spoke in japanese?

I realized my identity is fucked at this point. Even then, I try to play it off, "Heeeeey man, look it's not what you think. I'm dead serious that I am NOT spiderwoman." he looks clearly confused at what I just said. I mean of course, there's a heavy language barrier between us. "The fuck did you just said?! Speak japanese girly!" he exclaimed as he threateningly approach even closer. Now standing right in front of me, he looks down on me with a harsh glare to which I could only look to the side in awkwardness since I don't want to look at him the wrong way to which could cause a fight between us which could lead to me sending him to the hospital...yeeaaaaaa-

"Oi, what's going on here?" a man, probably the owner of this place, came seemingly inquiring about the situation meanwhile I stood by looking like that one emoji. "There's some random trespasser who somehow got into the restricted area and she seem to be a foreigner from based on her feature and language." dragon tattoo guy said to the man and the man turns his head to look at the dragon tattoo guy, "English?" tattoo guy nodded, "English." the man now look pass the tattooed guy and directly at me with an indifferent look, "Sorry if my english sounds off since I haven't spoke it in awhile. I assume you understand me, yes?" my eyes sparkles at the familiar mother tongue as I snap my fingers at him in excitement, "English! Yes! Yes I understand you very well sir!" the man crossed his arms, "Tell me little girl, how did you got up here? I don't remember seeing you coming in into my brothel."

Okay, let's see my options here. I can either lie or tell the truth.....there aren't many options........Wait, did he said brothel? Whatever that's not important right now.

After much pondering, I decided to just get straight to the point and spill the bean, "Uuuh would you believe me if I told you I'm not from around here?" the man raise a brow, "It is clear to see that. So, you're an illegal immigrant? You're one funny looking immigrant." I vigorously wave my hands in disagreement at the statement, "No no no! That's not what I meant! I-uuuh-fuck how do I explain this?..." I can tell they are confuse at my disarray mumbles. A though strike in my head as I then look at the man, "Sir, what year is it?" the man looks at me strangely, "What are you? An idiot? It's currently 2005.-

"2005!?" I can't help but yelling it out. 2005?! Did I travelled back in time? But there was nothing that could possibly trigger a time travel. "Why so surprised? *sigh* Nevermind, just answer the damn question already." after much delay and contemplation, I finally answer back, "I'm...from 2022." the man cross his arms as he scoffs, "That's a nice joke but it won't get ya out of this little girl-."

"I'm not lying! I don't even know how I got here! I was just in (country name) not long ago and now I'm in Japan in 2005 instead of 2022!" I exclaimed exasperatedly since I myself can't seem to wrap my head around this weird phenomenon, I ended up slightly losing my shit. 

The man briefly made eye contact with the tattooed guy before his gaze turns back to me, "How do I know you're not lying to me?" I sigh as I proceed to take a knee to put down my backpack, that somehow also came along with me which I'm actually glad it did. It didn't take me long before I found that one concrete evidence. I pull out my phone and show it to the both of them, "This is a new phone that recently came out in the beginning of 2022. And look, here's the date to prove it." I let the man snatch my phone from my hands as he examine it, along with the blonde guy, in astonishment. "Well shit, she wasn't kidding." the man stated in a mumble to which I obviously don't understand a single word.

At one point, I took it back in order to show them some of the features of the phone while also explaining, the man would translate for the tattooed guy. They begin discussing. I don't doubt that it's about me. While they talk, I take a moment to look at the lock screen on my phone which was a picture of me, Jason, Buddy, Mr. Darius and my Dad. I made a :D face with a thumb up while Jason made a face that had a mix of either disgust and unpleasant surprise, my Dad looks at the camera with a smug face and a hand to his lips, Mr. Darius looks normal besides the fact that his eyes were halfway closed and finally Buddy looked smudged because he moved around to much.

I wonder how Jason and Mr. Darius are doing. Did they notice that I'm gone? Gosh, I miss Buddy already...

"I assume you have no place to stay." I snap out of my thoughts at the remark. After my brain caught up to what he said I scratch the back of my head with a nervous laugh, "Ahaha, yeah, I technically don't at this point." he hums and then with a finger, he gesture me to follow him. I comply with the tattooed guy following right behind me. "There's a spare room in this building that no one touches for a long time. You can have it. You're lucky that Draken convinced me not to make you pay rent each month. You should thank him." he said walking pass the open door and down the stairs. A childish smile made its way to my face as turn around to face the guy, who's name is apparently Draken, "Thanks Draken my dude! I owe you one!" I happily said as I then softly fist bump his chest before turning back around to follow the man. "Uh sure?" Draken said with a tone that felt more like inquiry than a firm statement. Though I still don't understand shit.

"So, you're a cosplayer?" the man asked me now turning a corner. Since it's 2005 we're talking about, the existence of spiderwoman is completely gone. However, if I decide to resume doing what I do best. Both of them will know of my identity and plus I don't how well will the people here react to a real superhero. It's better if I stay low for now. 

"Yeah. I am."

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