Am I in a cult?????......oh

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(y/n)'s POV:

Literally the next day, Mikey barged into my room with Draken not too far behind while I was working on my web shooters, that somehow got jacked up after appearing here. Their sudden presence made me instinctively get up to hide it while also turning the music on my phone off as I look at them in shock, "Oi oi oi (y/n)! Come with us! You're going to meet your subordinates!" Mikey chirpily said as he walk over to me and proceed to grab me by the wrist to which I promptly pull back. Mikey looks at me with a raised eyebrow. My hands hovers in the air in a gesture that indicate Mikey to hold the fuck up, "Mikey, if you're gonna drag me outside, at least let me change first, yeah?" I said and then gesture at myself to further emphasize my point. It seemed to click in his head as his face then lights up in realization before patting me on the shoulder, "Ahaha I see I see. But don't take too long now (y/n)-chin.~" as Mikey left, Draken gives me a nod, a gesture that I return as a form of greeting before he too left to give me privacy. I get myself change as I then proceed to quickly put away my web shooters into my bag and then swing it over my shoulders. 

Just in case.

I walk out of my room to see Mikey and Draken leaning against the wall opposite to each other. Draken notices me first, "You're finally done, come on." he said gesturing to follow them, which I promptly do so.



To say the least, the ride to get to our destination fact pretty damn fun. Mikey, who comically tried to communicate with me, convey to me to ride with him. And oh boi did he floor it big time. Safe to say we were enjoying it waaay too much and I also may have encouraged him to go even faster.

Once we got there, Draken proceeded to tell him something which Mikey completely ignored him. I gave him a pat to the shoulder in sympathy. 

The three of us then walk up a bunch of stairs to a shrine which were already filled with a bunch of teenagers and most likely younger ones as well. Mikey, who walks upfront, leads the way and as the others sees him they immediately shouted something before they all line up and proceed to bow down at 90 degree. The sight makes me momentarily stop, not sure if I should continue walking along the path that seem rather.....a little too grand for me. I even though for a second that Mikey and Draken brought me to the wrong place. "(Y/n)." I snap out of my thoughts upon hearing my name being called by Draken, who ushers me over with his head to which I proceed to jog to quickly catch up and join them on the same ground level.

It doesn't take long before I felt the air around Mikey suddenly changes.

"Sooooo am I about to become a sacrifice? Cause this shit look sus as hell." I commented while eyeing the many people who wore some kind of uniform with golden kanji words embroidered on it. I look at Draken and he also happens to glance at me and for a moment we stare until Draken gives me a thumbs up. Oh, so I am gonna die. Well shit.

"The meeting starts now!" Mikey yells out effectively grabbing everyone's attention and I marveled at how many suddenly stood straighter, showing Mikey respect. So he's the top dog.





I'm in gang territory. But why the fuck am I here though?

"Mikey, who's that girl?" a guy with white hair and a black mask covering the lower half of his face said. "It is exactly what I'm about to cover." as Mikey says that he took a step closer to the edge, "Listen up! Today we have a new member joining our gang!" suddenly he turns his attention to me, "(Y/n), introduce yourself." he said while indicating to the others. I guess he wants me to present myself. Ayt, here I go then. 

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