A typical bad day

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3dr person POV:

Literally the moment Draken got back to the brothel, the ladies bombarded him in panic, mentioning to him that (y/n) suddenly disappeared from her room although they visited her not too long ago. 

He went to check for himself and sure enough, she was long gone. He saw the window is open. She must've left from there. Discreetly, he check if she took her web shooter and yep, she did. Though, Draken was a bit alarmed when he noticed that her costume was still present with only her mask gone missing. Thus, he concluded that she left in a hurry.

What kind of crime got her to leave so hastily and carelessly like that?

With that in mind, he quickly calm the ladies down. But they quickly said otherwise, "You have to go look for her! Who knows what could happen to her out there!" one of them exclaimed with teary eyes.

So, Draken decided, let's hit up my bros and look for this girl who seem to like getting herself in trouble every chances she gets.

They refused, saying that it was late and that they got better things to do. Draken simply threaten to beat them half to death and they immediately comply.

And then we got Mikey.

As Draken went to look for her with Mikey in tow. He absolutely had no idea were to look for her at this time of the night. While it's more easier to pinpoint where she could be during the day, it's almost impossible to know where she'd go when night time comes rolling around.

Well, at least he doesn't need to worry anymore now that he got a phone call from Smiley. 

He quickly stopped at a low populated spot and then answered the call. Mikey piped in wanting a piece of the matter, "Who is it?" Draken hushes Mikey. "Hey man, we found her. So rethink about your decision of beating us up." Draken let out a sigh of relief. Mikey butt in into the conversation, "Where are you guys?"

"Don't know really, but I think it shouldn't be too far off from where you guys are- What's that Angry?......Oh, ok. By the way meet us at the hospital. Apparently, she collapsed all of a sudden." Draken's brows furrowed after hearing the news, "What?"

"Honestly, me either. Anyways, see you there." the call ended. Mikey lay a hand on his shoulder, "You go there first. I'll catch up after calling the others." Draken nodded before promptly leaving.

Shortly after arriving at the mentioned destination, Draken was met with Smiley and Angry sitting and waiting. When they saw him though they got up. "What exactly happened to her?" 

For all Draken knows, she's literally the strongest human alive, so hearing that she collapsed all of a sudden was strange and concerning. Considering her origins.

"Well, it was exactly as how Smiley explained. She just..dropped. I though she got into a fight while protecting a kid, since her nose was bleeding, but it turned out not to be the case. Apparently." 

Her nose started bleeding out of nowhere?

"Sheesh, that look on your face is quite scary. But worry not." Smiley pats Draken shoulder, "She's okay now."

Soon enough, the others also showed up, "Honestly. Screw you, Draken. Dragging us all the way out here." Baji complained as he drop his bottom on to the seat where Smiley and Angry previously sat, clearly in a bad mood. Mitsuya sigh while resting his hands on his hips, "Draken, you can't always make us do this forever, you know that, right?" Draken grumbles. Mucho then joins the conversation, "I understand you're trying to help her get around, but you can't let this go on like this. It can hold you back one day. You'll have to talk to her about this matter." Draken side eye Mucho, "I know. But it's not that simple." Sanzu snickers, "Is it that hard to talk to girls?" Draken swung at Sanzu, which he dodge effortlessly, "Speak for yourself, motherfucker!"

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