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Porsche and Kinn were going on a date to have dinner by the river. ' Kinn do you remember this place', Porsche asked.

' How will I forget our first kiss? This was were we had our first moment. A drunken one yet beautiful'

They were in their own world when they heard a crying sound.

' Ya KInn. Do you hear that?'

' Hear what?'

' That sound , as if someone crying?'

' No'

' Stupid search the opposite side. I will search here.'

Kinn who had no idea but followed Porsche instruction. Since it was a port area there were many ships at night but no one to on watch. They climbed up and down on every boat in search of the sound.

' Porsche no one is here'

' This side to Kinn but I hear the voice'

' It might be your imagination baby. Lets go'

' No Kinn. I heard it.'

' Pors---'

'Shhh, Hear that. Some one is crying.'

Kinn knows Porsche has high sense of hearing. He just let his love in lead. Porsche went to the look under the bridge where he saw a bundle floating in the water laying upon a tube. Without thinking he jumped into the river.

' PORSCHE', Kinn shouted.

Porsche too the bundle and arrived to the shore only to be pulled out by Kinn.

' What were you thinking?', but suddenly stopped after hearing a sniffing sound. It came from the bundle. Porsche unwrapped the cloth only to find a baby boy who looked not more that three months old. He was crying but stopped after seeing Porsche. Though the little boy can't see who it was , he knew he was safe.

Porsche was struck by the baby's beauty.

' Kinn he looks beautiful'

' He does Porsche but who would abandon a baby in the shore'

' Kinn I think he has fever. Lets take him to hospital and then fill a complaint.'

Nodding his head they drove towards the hospital. Porsche admitted the little boy in emergency and waited for their result. Kinn filed a complaint in the police and police started their search knowing who Kinn was. They put their works at pending and took the case seriously. 

Doctor's who checked the baby's health said, ' He is running high fever and he has not been given vaccination. It's a miracle that he lived this long. Without food and water for days a baby can't survive. We will give the necessary vaccination for now. '

Porsche who heard this wants nothing but the kid alone. He knew the state of hunger. He knew how hard it would be if there is no support.

The police said ' Mr. Kinn. This boy was born in a village hospital and was not registered. His mother was a teen girl and is in prison right now for selling drugs. There is no more information. I think we should call the social service to find an home for the kid'.

Kinn who saw Porsche getting attached to the baby just ordered the police man to wait before contacting the social service.

'Porsche. Do you want to adopt him?'

' Kinn'

' Porsche his mother is a drug dealer and is put in prison. He has no name and no family. If you say no then we will contact the social service to search a home for him'

Porsche saw the baby lying in the bed holding onto his finger with his small palm. ' Lets adopt him Kinn. Lets just make him our son. Lets take him home' , Porsche said crying. 

Kinn was happy and called back the police for adoption. The police contacted the social service and connected them to Kinn. Kinn pulled few strings to make the adoption process easy and fast. They spent a night at hospital to have a full medical check on the baby.

' Well. You see the kid is a fighter. Without vaccination or nutrients he survived this long. He was given food by some one in intervals. His neck started to stand. Though it's a bit weak with few precautions he will be alright. We have give the first few vaccinations that he missed. I will have someone to make appointments for you for his vaccination and feed him the medicines daily. They are vitamin supplements. Other than that there is nothing to worry.', the doc said. 

The social service asked them to fill a name for the baby.

'What do you think Porsche? Chose our son's name'

" Phoenix. Phoenix Prapai Theerapanyakul "

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