Secret's won't be secret's

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Kinn and Porsche were having a discussion in the cafeteria for body guards.  Pol and Arm were guarding Thankun who was sitting silently reading a book, which was a sight to see.  

' Kinn, you don't get it. Time has interest in Tom , I don't want Tae to get hurt. He has had enough of his share' , Porsche exclaimed. To that Kinn replied, ' Porsche we have no say in this. We  don't know what's going to happen. Let them come and we will discuss'. During their chat Porchay entered the room.

'Hia, When will our things arrive. I am bored . I want to redecorate the room.'

' It will arrive in thirty minutes Chay. Someone will inform us if the truck comes by. ', Porsche replied. Chay nodded and went to sit at the lawn waiting for his precious posters and books to come by. Suddenly the Vegas. Pete, Macau arrived with little venice. ' what are you doing here alone chay?' , Macau asked. ' Waiting for the truck to arrive , so I could redecorate my room. They said Brother Big is driving it through the bodyguard's entry. So I am waiting here.' Macau sat by his side to give him company while Vegas and Pete went in. 

As usual Vegas went to have a fight with Kinn and Pete was having conversation with Porsche about Tae's mental condition. But the unusual thing that was happening is Thankun. He was quiet and reading the book with atmost concentration. Everyone knew Porsche has been helping Thankun to get a grip in his life. They both became best buddies. They went to bar at weekends, went to a trip by beach, had a movie marathon, had their rooms renovated, changed a bit of Thankun fashion, exercised together and many more which Kinn was jealous of as most of Porsche's time was with Thankun. As they were chatting bodyguards started to bring things inside which were apparently from Porsche's house and kept at the side of the room. Porschae who saw that coming when to open his package with Pete to check everything. Thankun also went to help them.  

Pete opened the first box, it was full of books of different gerne. There were stickery notes in those pages and were kept at best condition. Pete suddenly asked ," Who read these many books Porsche? I think your brother has more interest in books. See these Vegas , the handwriting is so awesome. Your brother is gifted Porsche. "

" You are wrong brother Pete. Those are not mine. They are hia's. When it was hard for us to manage the school fee's, there was a competition conducted at school based on literature and had the prize money that could pay mine and Hia's fees for three years of school. To win the competition, my Hia studied hard day and night and the best part was that he won. This was the only money our uncle didn't take from us as Hia made it under brother Jom's account. ", Porchay said making all of them look at Porsche. They were shocked would be an understatement. No one could take their eyes off him. Kinn was the one who went and sat behind Porsche back hugging him with a face that he knows these thing. There were three big carboard boxes full of books and two other boxes were still in the truck yet to be dispatched. Thankun opened a box that was small and it caught his attention. The box was full of photo's. 

' Awwww. Porsche what is this? So cuteeee..... My dear chay in hands of baby Porsche. Ahh here Porsche is cooking. Ohh match..' , he started fanboying the photo frames. Vegas who stood silently suddenly asked ' Porsche , what is your age?'. Being the upright Thankun said ' aya Vegas. You shouldn't ask people's age. Can't you see he might be in his twenty five or twenty six. Isn't it Porsche? ' . Porsche who was leaning against Kinn didn't utter a word while Kinn and Chay laughed. ' He is twenty one Brother' , Kinn answered making everyone freeze at their place. They couldn't believe Porsche was a twenty one year old boy making his age a equal to that of Kim.  They thought Porsche to be in his mid twenties as he was mature enough to handle Kinn and take care of his brother. But he was just four years elder to Porschay. 

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