21 - Resurfaced Memories

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Some time ago...


It was a sensation that's all over my body, as if I was hit by a semi-truck.

I feel like i'll break, even with the slightest breath.

"He is waking up!"

A female voice shouted from above me. Footsteps could be heard, presumably from down a hallway, coming to wherever I was.

I opened my eyes with a grunt, and seen the predicament I was in. My glasses weren't on, but i could still see surprisingly well.

I was in a bedroom, seemingly in a large house, hiding by the size of the room.

I looked around for the voice I heard earlier, but nobody seemed to be around me. 'Weird,' I thought.

It took my sensitive eyes a moment to fully adjust to the room.

As they finally adjusted, the door to the room I was in opened.

"I'll deal with him now, you're dismissed."

"So you're awake, welcome back." Walking through the opened door, was a pale man with horns covered in jewelry.

My face went pale, and I instantly realized I wasn't in Dicathen, but I was in Alacrya.

"W-Who are you!?" I screamed, standing up. I took a defensive stance, hoping to ward off this man, but his gaze was unwavering.

"That's right... I did tell them to supress your memories." The stranger walked towards me calmly, but at a steady pace. "Well, Nico. You're back in Alacrya now, so I guess it's time to get your memories back."

'N-Nico? What the hell...? Thats the name I hear when I get those intense headaches!' I realized. Gritting my teeth, I yelled out, "How do you know that name!? Who are you!?"

I blinked, and the man suddenly disappeared from my sight. "Hmm... You've grown quite a few inches." I heard from behind me.

"What the fu-" I felt a sharp pain in my back, then i couldn't feel most of my body.

"Oops. Too high, my bad."

He picked me up by the back of my shirt, and threw me onto the bed.

"I'd tell you this won't hurt, but I'm not too fond of lying when it doesn't benefit me."

He raised a finger, and put it on my forehead.

Tons of images flooded my brain, and it was immeasurably painful and slow. I tried to scream, but I couldn't feel anything but pain.

After the images faded, I felt my consciousness slipping.

I didn't feel it well, but I suddenly felt fully awake. I knew what happened. I got slapped.

"Ah ah ah, you can't fall asleep yet." Looking back up at the man, I grit my teeth.

"You sent me there without my memories...? I could've killed him there! Grey could've been dead!"

Agrona looked down at me, his red eyes showing no emotion. "And if you had your memories? You'd attack him without knowing how powerful he was, and get sent to whatever kind ofprison they have in Dicathen. No matter how you look at it, sending you there without your past memories, was the best option."

"Tch! I'll kill him the next time I see him." I said, gripping my head which was still throbbing.

"So did you at least find out anything useful?" Agrona asked.

"Yeah... He has a Dragon as a bond. He has a Dragon beast will too. He tries to hide it, but there is something off about the girl he is with." I said, recalling the times I interacted with him at Xyrus Academy.

"Girl? Tell me more." Pulling a chair to the side of the bed I was in, he took a seat.

"She has navy blue hair and red eyes. She is the same complexion as I am, and she seems to be the same age too."

Agrona's face visibly showed anger, and the pressure he was emitting was suffocating. After a moment, he looked at me, and seen I was having trouble keeping my composure and toned it down.

"Do you know her or something?" The answer was obvious, but I had to be sure.

"Personally, no. Do I know someone who does know her? Yes."


"Seris. The description you just gave me, matched the description of the girl Seris was mentoring. Anyways, what do you think he is hiding?"

"So she's from Alacrya... it makes sense why she acted the way she did. As for Grey, I think he is hiding his strength. There was this time, he used what i'm assuming was his beast will, his hair grew a few inches, and golden runes were scattered across his body and under his eyes. I've never seen him use it after that."

"Golden runes... To think he'd inherit Realmheart... Nico, if you can remember, did his hair and eyes happen to change color?" Agrona asked, leaning forwards.

"No... Not at all. His hair was still white, and his eyes were still purple."

Agrona shot up from his seat and stumbled back a bit. A gut wrenching feeling suddenly washed over me, as I didn't think Agrona himself would be shocked over Grey.

"W-We need to find him, or the vessel for the Legacy. Nico, i'll send you to Melzri to train and get you stronger for the war." As he said that, he fixed the chair that he accidentally toppled, and made his way out the room, closing the door behind him.


Present Day


"Arthur Leywin, born in Ashber, the Lance with humble beginnings. He is the pinnacle of power in Dicathen. The task given to us from the High Sovereign, is either to capture him, or cripple him as a mage. Killing him is not allowed."

"Cadell, if I may, won't he be trying to kill us? It'll be hard to cripple someone while holding back. Not to mention he'll probably have his bonded Dragon with him too." Melzri said while adjusting her hair.

Cadell looked at me, "She does have a point, High Sovereign... To capture or cripple the boy could prove to be difficult, especially if he has the ability to control time to some extent."

"That's why i'll be giving you each a high grade mana suppression cage. No matter how strong he is, as long as he uses mana in its vicinity, he'll be trapped and drained." I waved my hand, signaling for the maid on my right to hand out the artifacts.

"Now, you all know your roles. Go, either retrieve the Lance, or the Vessel. Keep them alive." All of the Scythes nodded.



Short chap, aiming for a longer one next time, but I wanted to get this out the way.

It was supposed to be up yesterday, but it wasn't published after i told my friend i needed them to do it for me.


see ya in the next one!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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