12 - Limits

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This training is brutal. Art was right. I have never experienced or imagined anything like this.

I was consistently in and out of the soul realm. My teacher, this four eyed asura, Kordri, was not going easy on me. I think I barely lasted a full minute in the soul realm, on this recent attempt.

"Windsom, how long was it this time?" I asked, Kordri keeping his eyes on me.

"One minute and eleven seconds.", he replied. "Caera, the more you are forced out of the soul realm, the more time is wasted in your training.  Even if an hour out here equates to about roughly twelve in there, it will not be enough if you are expelled every few minutes."

"Don't blame me, blame your friend that is killing me as soon as we get in there." I said.

Getting used to dying is tough... I don't think i'll ever truly get used to it. I can feel my mental fortitude crumbling bit by bit, but I can also feel myself improving at a similarity slow rate.

I'm not exactly sure what the two asuras were thinking, putting a teen through this sort of brutal training. 

"I am doing only what you are able to handle," Kordri responded, as if he was reading my mind.

Letting out a sigh, I began stretching before going back into the soul realm.

"Well, time to get training again.  Are you ready, Kordri?"  I gave my body one last stretch before sitting back up. 

Letting out an amused chuckle, he gave me a nod.  "I will always be ready, Greenhorn."

"Remember, Caera, while you are training in the soul realm, your physical body will also be refining your mana core.  The longer you are able to last in the soul realm, the faster your cultivation will go.  Don't overexert yourself; it has only been a week into your training. We still have time to forge you into a great warrior before this war, but not if you take on more than you can handle," Windsom cautioned as he activated the Aether Orb. 

It's been eight days since I had started this tortu—training.  Since one hour outside equates to twelve in here, that means a full twenty-four hours out there translates to twelve days in here.

I need to get through this. For Dicathen. For Arthur...


Eight days ago.

"Lord Indrath, you told me to follow you, does that mean I will be receiving training from you specifically?" I asked, genuinely curious as to what he wanted.

"It depends on how your body develops, and if you gain any control over aether," he said, keeping a steady pace.

"Aether... It's much stronger than mana, right?" I acted dumb, as this would be a huge opportunity to learn more about aether. After all, the dragons of the Indrath Clan, have been known for their ability to tamper with aether.

"If it is used correctly, It is indeed much more powerful than mana. It's also lot more useful. Healing, movement, reinforcement... the possibilities are endless. Enough for now though, we are here."

Following him throughout a series of corridors, down a seemingly never ending set of stairs, and another hallway, we reached a door that has lead us outside. A vast open field, beautifully trimmed grass, with what seemed to be a perfect line of trees about 5 miles away.

"Ah Lord Indrath, you're here!" I heard from my right.

Turning to face the voice, I seen it was my former teacher, the one who also gave me the acclorite stone that developed into Regis, Wren Kain. He was currently kneeling down.

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