8 - Observent

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It was finally the weekend. I'll get to go home and spend time with my family, visit Grandpa Virion, and finish up some of my plans.

Before heading home, I had somewhere to go. After taking a few familiar turns, I was hoping after this last turn, I'd be at the shop I was looking for.

'Sylvie, wait out here. If you're in trouble, fight back and let me know immediately.' I told her.

Jumping off my shoulder, Sylvie made her way onto a barrel, close to the end of the street.

Turning the next corner, I seen a worn down building. It seemed to be the same, except for the fact that there was no old man in sight.

Walking down the path, making my way towards the door, the door handle seemed to react to my presence, just as it had done in the past. This time it was different though. When I had touched the handle, it felt like a full body scan had been done on me. From the top of my head, to the tips of my toes, a foreign mana rushed in, then out, my body with incredible speed.

Shit. I hope that didn't give Windsom or some other Asura a peek at my core, much less the casing of aether around it. Not much I can do about it now though, it's already done...

Opening the door, I was hit with a cloud of dust.

'Not much cleaner than the last time either,' I thought while waving the cloud of dust away.

Looking at the counter where the man was last time, nobody was there. After looking around for a bit, once again, I couldn't find anything of value. I closed my eyes and thought back to the last time I was here.

'Maybe that elixir is here. That would be a huge boost for me.' I thought whilst remembering where I seen it get taken from before.

Making my way over to a certain shelf, I rummaged around a bit before finding the small round object I was looking for.

"Ah! You have a good eye young man!" I heard from behind me.

Turning around quickly, I seen the same old man from last time.

"My apologies for not being here when you entered, I was simply taking a break," He said while walking behind the store's counter.

'Sylv, come inside now. I need to make sure that they know i'm bonded with you.'

'Okay, one second.'

"How much is this worth?" I asked the man behind the desk, as I held out my hand, showing him the elixir.

"That'd be one silver coin. You sure do have a good eye though, what made you want this out of everything else here?"

Before anything else happened, Sylvie came in, and hopped up on my shoulder. The mans face seemed to go pale, and his demeanor had changed.

Not wanting to be suspicious, I had to come up with a quick answer, but also act like I didn't know what the object was.

"I enhanced my sight with mana, and seen something with a signature down on that shelf." I responded while pointing where I found it. I also put a silver coin down on the counter, which the man promptly took it.

"Smart kid... Well, I won't keep you here any longer. Have a good day." The man said with a smile.

Taking the elixir and putting it in my pocket, I eyed the top of the shelf close to the door. Windsom was in his cat form, peering down at me and Sylvie. We made eye contact for a few short moments, before I had started to open the door and leave.

'That was easier than expected. Hopefully, he'll contact me soon,' opening the door, leaving the shop, I had smiled. Things were going better than expected. I hope that it'll carry over into the next day. Tomorrow will be extremely rough.

I was going to tell Gramps about the Alacryans and the war after all. As well as me being from another time. Those are things I have to worry about tomorrow though, there was one more thing I had wanted to get done today.


"Windsom. Have you found who i've asked you to look for?"

"Yes. There is a Lesser in Xyrus named Arthur Leywin. He is only a child, but he has a draconic physique, Lady Sylvia's will, and is also bonded with her daughter."

"Hmm. Do you think he possesses the Realmheart physique or the power to manipulate aether? Is he worth my time at all?" Lord Indrath said, as he shifted his position on his throne.

"I don't not currently know if he possesses Realmheart. After getting a scan of his body, there is an anomaly inside of him. There is a case of aether around his core. It doesn't seem to be rejecting the mana core either. It's almost like it's... coexisting with it. I do not know if he can directly manipulate aether though. I will continue to look over the boy, and only make contact if you give me permission to do so."

"A casing of aether that isn't rejecting his mana core?  That shouldn't be possible... Alright Windsom, you have permission to make contact with the boy. Tell him about the Vritra, and make sure you make contact with him alone. If he proves to be useful, then i'll make preparations for him to train for the war, here in Epheotus, when the time is right."

"Yes, my lord. I shall return after making contact with him." I said as I stood up and started walking out of the throne room. I could feel the eyes of Lord Indrath glued on my back, as I was walking out of the room. It was almost as if he were saying "you better not fail," out loud.

On my way back to Dicathen, I started thinking.

'The pressure I felt from that boy wasn't normal. He looked like Lord Indrath, just younger. Any asura could tell something was up with him though. It's almost as if he was expecting me to be there. When his lavender eyes met mine, it was as if he was trying to pierce my soul. He wasn't curious. He wasn't surprised either. Something is up with him.

There has to be.'


Chap came out an hour late because I had fell asleep. School is really beating on me, so updates might have to be weekly.

I'll still push for the Tuesday/Thursday schedule though, letting you all know when there will only be one chapter that week.

I don't really have much to say now ;-;

See you in the next one!

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