I Missed You

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"I knew I would find you here." Annie took a seat on the stool next to Nick. He was downing a glass of something brown.

Nick gave her an annoyed sideways glance. "Am I that predictable? What do you want, anyway?" She waved down the bartender and ordered a beer. "You don't seem like the beer type."

"Oh, I only drink beer when I'm stressed out. That's it for now. I guess I should cut to the chase and let you know that I didn't come all the way out here to get a beer."

Nick raised a brow, "Yeah, I imagined that."

"Nick, you need to go back to the house and talk to Abby. You can't just leave without talking things through. I mean, you did mess things up."

"No. She did. How could she not tell me that Tiffany was cheating on me. Huh?"

Annie took another sip of her beer. "Ok, so maybe she should have said something, but in all truth it wasn't her place to do that and you know it. She didn't want to hurt you."

"Anyways, she seems to be doing just fine. I wouldn't have bothered looking like an idiot coming all the way out here, if I would have known she was also pregnant. I knew she was with him, but not that..."

"Ugh. You are right about the idiot part. You waited a whole four months to make a move. Not once did you bother calling or writing to her. I wasn't supposed to tell you this, but since you are being such a hard head, I will go ahead and tell you."

Nick groaned and gulped down the last of his drink. "What? She's getting married to the cowboy?"

"Shut up! Four months ago she was in California with you! That baby is yours idiot...so think wisely before you just walk away again." She placed a bill on the counter, hopped off her stool and walked away.

Nick sat there staring straight ahead at his surprised reflection in the mirror. Had he heard right? It couldn't be possible, because Abby would have called him or tried a way to let him know. Right?


Abby held a blanket in her hand as she made way out into the field. She found Henry on the way and he walked along with her.

"Hey Henry!"

"Hey there. I just wanted to make sure your mom wasn't upset that we are doing the Pig Tog Up here again this year. It's sorta become a tradition."

They continued to walk, until they reached a small mound. Abby extended her blanket and smiled up at Henry. "I can't believe you guys are still doing the whole putting a shirt on a pig. It's pretty ridiculous."

"Ha! You are just butt hurt, cause last time you lost. It was a hella of a try though."

They both laughed as he helped her sit on the blanket. "You know my mother doesn't mind you guys doing that. We will definitely be there to watch."

Henry looked up and past Abby. "Thanks" He kissed her cheek and whispered, "You have some company." He got up and gave Nick a look and walked right past him.

"I don't like him!" Nick muttered.

"I believe the feeling is mutual." Abby snickered. She continued to get comfortable laying flat on her back, while she still could. Her arms rested behind her head and her eyes stared straight up at the blue sky. "Are you just going to stand there?"

"No. I just...I don't know how to start..."

"Hmm...I guess by taking a seat." She patted the space next to her.

Nick walked over to Abby and nervously took a seat next to her. He cleared his throat, unable to find the right words to start the conversation. Slowly he laid down on his back too and stared up at the sky.

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