The Test

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Nick stepped out of his truck and slowly made way towards the house. He was pretty sure that coming back here wasn't the best idea. Carefully he felt his eye that was still sore and now purple. He rapped on the door and then stood back waiting for someone to open.

After what seemed like forever the door slowly swung open and there stood a glaring Katherine. She stepped out and closed the door behind her and crossed her arms over her chest.

"What the hell do you want?"

He tucked his hands into his pocket and looked down at the ground. "Mrs. Hunter, I need to talk to Abby. It's really important."

"Abby? Shouldn't you be apologizing to my poor daughter?"

"Poor daughter? Most of this is her fault. Do you not recall that she cheated on me and on top of that she had an abortion without even consulting me. I mean...did you miss all that?"

"She was just fine until she met you and got all infatuated with you. You were never good enough for her anyway."

" I said before, I'm here to see Abby!"

Katherine smirked, "As for Abigail Hunter, she went back home where she belongs with her boyfriend back in Texas. Don't tell me she never told you about Henry, her boyfriend. He's this big shot cowboy that works on her farm."

Nick swallowed hard and couldn't help looking puzzled. "You just really want to push my buttons, Mrs. Hunter." She never mentioned a boyfriend, not even online. Anger flushed through him.

"There is no reason for me to lie. It's funny she just never mentioned it to you though." Katherine smiled.

"No she didn't." He mumbled.

"Well there you go. She's not much different than my daughter."

There was never a mention of Abby having a boyfriend, but then again everyone had lied. She hadn't bothered to tell him about knowing Tiffany cheated, probably because she was doing the same thing. The more he thought about it; the more the anger settled in the pit of his stomach.

Katherine smiled knowing she had planted a seed of doubt. "If proof is what you want, go ahead and fly all the way out there to see it for yourself. Meanwhile stay away from aren't welcome any longer. Low life!" With that said she turned around and slammed the door.

Nick was driving, but his mind was on deciding whether to take the chance of going all the way to Texas or just giving up. Going to Texas was his number one choice, he had to see it for himself...maybe Katherine was just being a bitch. Then again, did he really want to see Abby with another man? Hell no. Maybe he would stay and wait it out. Give her space.

That just seemed to be an easy way out and a really cowardly move.

He was so engrossed in his thought's he hadn't noticed he was parked in front of the gym. His gym now. Nick sighed heavily and killed the engine. He'd wanted this place with all his heart and now according to the papers on the seat next to him. It was all his. Why didn't it feel right then? His mind flashed back to the night before and he cringed at the memory. Abby would probably never forgive him for what he'd done or said.

His hands slammed against the steering wheel as he cursed a storm. "I'm not giving up easily." He spoke out loud. Henry or no Henry, he was going to go to Texas and try and win her back. There was no way he'd let her go so easily. He would head out to Texas and try his luck tomorrow.


A few days had passed, Abby squinted her eyes as she felt the light of day hit her face. She groaned and turned to find her mother next to her bed. "Mother?"

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