Little Longer

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Nick turned to look to his side and noticed his phone lighting up, but he didn't seem to care. Instead he turned to the side and smiled at the sight of Abby sound asleep next to him. He sat up and carefully slipped out of the bed and threw on his pants and shirt. Snatched his phone off the nightstand and tried his best to be quiet as he opened the door. Nick was startled when he looked back and Abby was sitting up looking at him with a horrified look on her face.

"Uh...heeey!" Nick stuttered.

"Don't hey me! Where the hell are you going? Are you seriously leaving me here like this? OH MY GOD!" She quickly got out of the bed and rummaged her bag for something to put on.

Nick walked towards her and just watched as she went crazy throwing everything out of her bag. "This is just great. I sleep with my step-sister's fiancé and now he's just gonna screw me and leave. Just great!" She was talking to herself and rummaging.

"Abby!" Nick felt his phone buzzing again. "I wasn't going anywhere." Abby continued on her rant, until he grabbed her and spun her around. "Hey! I was just stepping out to answer the phone. Tiffany has been calling and I think it might be an emergency. I'm not going anywhere." He caressed her cheek with the side of his hand. "Can you just give me a minute and stop freaking out."

"I thought...I'm sorry...I mean what am I suppos--" He pressed his finger to her mouth and smiled.

Nick walked out and pushed the green button on his phone. "Hello."

"Um...hi Nicky. How are you? I've been calling for a couple of hours now!"

He cleared his throat and thought fast. "Yeah. I'm sorry babe I forgot my phone up here while we went to lunch with AJ, Ro and Abby."

"Oh. How is Abby?"

"Abby? She's way better, her patient is stable now and well she's distracting herself here in Vegas." He cringed at the thought of how he was the one distracting Abby.

"Oh that's good. Did you guys see the hall yesterday?"

"They were busy, babe. We are going right now."

"Ok. Um...Nick there is something I need to talk to you about. It's really important."

"Sure. What's going on?" He heard her name in the background and groaned. Luckily he was used to her having a five minute conversation with him, if that. He sighed, "It's ok. You can always tell me later."

"Yes, I'm sorry. Nick, they are talking about this trial going on for a while and I might either have to come back out here or stay here for a bit longer. I just wanted to give you a heads up."

"What? Tiffany, how do I marry someone that isn't even here? I mean, I guess you have to do what you have to do for your career. Just...let me know so I can reschedule everything...or maybe better we can just call it off."

That had come out of the blue. Was he that eager to tell her? "Jesus, Nicky! Cut me some slack. Don't get all upset, I'm trying my best here."

"No. Seriously take your time, Tiffany."

"I'm sorry. I do love you Nicky." He heard her voice break and he was hit with guilt right away. "Bye...Nicky."

"Yeah. Bye." He muttered and hung up the phone.

Abby chewed on her nails as she looked down at Nick. Her hair was in a ponytail and she had changed into a dress. Nick smiled and patted his lap.

She shook her head, "What happened? Is everything alright?"

"You know Tiffany. She prefers she said that either she will stay longer or come get married and then leave. I mean, what's the point of getting married then. Right?"

"Well, isn't there no point in you marrying her; if you don't love her." Abby knew she was probably pushing her luck, but he had confessed his love last night and she was hoping it wasn't to win a dip in her pants.

Nick blinked a couple of times trying to register the message behind what she had just said. Then he remembered telling her he loved her. "Oh. Yeah..." he reached out his hand and she hesitantly took it. Nick pulled her towards him and she straddled his lap.

"I need you to trust me. This isn't going to be easy and I can't just break off the wedding with her over the phone. It would be a bit fucked up."

"I know." Did it really matter? She was probably all wrapped up with Kevin, because she was clearly cheating on Nick with him or someone else from her firm. Abby wished she had the same courage to tell Nick right that moment, just like she had the night before. "Nick..." She smiled and felt all warm inside when her eyes met with his. Now she knew why people said sex changed everything. "I" She was distracted by his warm hand running up her leg and under her dress. "We should probably head out."

He let out a laugh. Pixie joined the twosome on the sofa and curled up between Nick and Abby.

"I think someone is jealous?"

"I say...we could just stay here and..." His hands ran further up her dress.

She took hold of his arms and shook her head. "I don't think so mister."


They both laughed as Pixie jumped on his chest and tried to lick him. "I hate to bring this up, Abby. But you do know that we have to go back to normal back home. I can't let AJ and especially Rochelle get a feel of anything between us."

Abby shook her head, although disappointed, she knew that he was right. "I know. Now, we should really get going." She stood up and headed for her room.

He stood up and blocked her at the door. "Just one more time...before we go." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"I see that poison oak healed, already." Abby giggled.

Nick grabbed her by the dress and pulled her in. "You have no idea..." He closed the door leaving Pixie barking up a storm.

AJ's eyes moved from Nick to Abby and back, he could see them smiling at each other and once in a while there was a light touch from either one of them. Rochelle leaned over and glared at AJ.

"What monkey?"

"I see what's going on and you better believe I'm telling Tiffany. You know, she's a dumbass too. Who puts a woman and a man in the same room. UGH."

"Monkey, we are going to stay out of this. It's not our business anyways."

"Alexander Mclean, just look at those two. They have those eyes...I bet you anything they already did it. It disgusts me, but you know what I'm going to keep my mouth shut. Tiffany probably won't believe me anyway."

AJ smiled triumphantly believing that his friend was out of the woods, because there was no doubt in his mind that Nick and Abby had gotten well acquainted at some point on this trip.

Abby leaned over and whispered into Nick's ear. "You need to stop smiling like that."

"Smiling like what?" he smiled.

"Like a dumbass..." AJ startled the twosome as he stood in front of them. "Hey no judgment here...whatever tickles your pickle. But can you two bring it to a minimum because I have to listen to my monkey going on about how she wants to blow your cover and her doing that would really affect my chances of being the best man. I am still the best man, even if it's by default? Right?"

Nick sighed. It was amazing how being around Abby could make him forget about so many things. He'd forgotten to try and call Brian. After all he was the one to blame for their fallout the least he could do was try to be the bigger man.

"AJ...I'm not sure if Brian is coming back and I can't just give his spot away, because he had a tantrum. You get me dude?"

AJ sighed with frustration, "Sure...sure. I guess I get it." He turned to walk back to his wife and spun back around, "Just so you guys know. Your secret's safe with me." He forced a smile and walked away.

Nick and Abby both looked at each other; just as they called out their plane departure. They looked at each other one last time and headed towards the line their separate ways. 

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