Chapter 31: Leading the Charge

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I hear a familiar voice call out to me.


It’s John.

I sit up and look at John.

“John. What’s making you come to me again,”

“Because you just gained a very powerful ability,”

“You know what it is?”

“I can sense it. You can summon a cyclone at will,”

I’m taken aback.

“I can summon tornados?”

“Yes, but it takes a lot of power,”

“It’s not a lightning bolt, but hell is it impressive,”

I ask John a question.

“John, you’re alive, right?”

“Yeah, why do you ask?”

“How’d you survive getting out of Empire City? I mean you’re a conduit, but it’d still be hell trying to get out of there,”

He looks a bit confused.

“It..wasn’t hard,”

I’m surprised.

“Hell, you’re stronger than me. Maybe you should be the one to take out The Beast,”

His eyes widen like a suspicion of his had been confirmed, but doesn’t elaborate.

“..Right. You’ll be waking up soon, Cole,”

My eyes open and I see the bright blue sky.

I rub my eyes.

“Oh, man. That one hit,”

Zeke runs up to me.

“Hey, glad you’re awake. There are idiots down there shootin’ up anythin’ that moves,”

“I’ll take care of them,”

I run and hop off the building into the street.

To my right is a bunch of militia shooting up a park.

“Alright, John said something about a cyclone,”

I train my hands together and gather a large amount of energy.

The energy’s color shifts from light blue to clouded black.

I reach up and swing the energy at the militia.

The ball of energy spins and takes the shape of a disc. Then, the disc expands into a large cyclone crackling with electricity that carries the militia away.

I look at my hands and mutter under my breath.

“No way..”

I hear Zeke yell from the rooftop. 

“Damn, man! You’re damn near unstoppable!”

“Hell yeah I am,”

“Come on back up, your friend from the swamp is here and uh, oh, she’s gone, and she’s here again. It’s confusing,”

“I’ll be up there in a second,”

I climb up the building and see Zeke waving away the hazy smoke.

“Cough cough The hell is this stuff anyway..”

Nix appears beside him and starts speaking.

“It’s Napalm. What, can’t stand the smell?”

The Legacy of Cole MacGrathNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ