Chapter 1: Cole MacGrath

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I look into Empire City from Zeke's rooftop. Following that I look down at my hands. It's been 2 weeks since my life changed. Hell I don't if it was for better or for worse.

I am starting to get used to these powers, though.

I look over and Zeke isn't awake yet.

Haven't had anything to eat yet either.

I go over to the fridge and take out a beer. We don't have any food.

"2 weeks go by and you can barely have food anymore,"

About 20 minutes later, Zeke starts to wake up.

"Yawn, g'morning Cole,"

"Morning, man,"

"What have you been doing this fine, post-apocalyptic morning?"

"Finding out we don't have food left,"

I lift up the half drunk beer.

"Just these,"

"Well, share the resources, brother,"

"Will do,"

I put the cap on the beer and toss it to Zeke.

"Gonna need some toons with this, can you turn on the TV?"

"I can do that. Glad this power makes some things easier,"

I get up and start to charge up the batteries scattered around the rooftop. When I finish, a plane flying low is gliding just above the rooftop.

"Woah! Flying so low I thought it was going to crash into us,"

Then the channel Zeke's on changes to a familiar man in a room.

"Hey, it's the TV Jacker, love that guy,"

"The government has sent a plane with a crate full of rations by Archer Square. No one is looking out for us in this hell hole, and to get our fair share we have to fight for it, Voice of Survival out," I hear from the TV.

I speak up.

"Told you they'd drop food"

"Man, you gotta be outta your mind. You think any of those pencil-necks gives a crap about us? This is a PR stunt,"

I start to chuckle.

"That isn't going to stop you from pigging out, though, is it?"

"Hell no it ain't. Zeke's gotta eat!" Zeke says. "Hey, one of these days you think you'll be talked about by the TV Jacker for gettin' a cat outta tree or something?" He continues.

"Hell. With that shithead "Voice of Survival", you only get on there for something bad,"

"Or something important. Like them powers you have,"

"Whatever. Let's get going to Archer, I'll use the express elevator. You can take the stairs,"

"Now that ain't fair,"

I chuckle.

"I know it's not,"

I run and jump off of the 5-story apartment building and land on my hands and feet like it was nothing. A few minutes later, Zeke comes from the stairwell.

"Woo, that was one hell of a jump, man. Wish I could do something like that - runnin' down all those stairs *huff* that sucks donkey balls," Zeke says. "And before we head over to Archer, I need to go a pick up a new six shooter"

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