Chapter 22: Hunt for the Ray Sphere

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I arrive at the Ashford Building. After about a minute a helicopter with a platform hanging from it flies over.

It's John.

"Hey! Get on! Threw a generator in back of the chopper - should keep that platform charged up,"

"Quite the setup you've got going here!"

I step onto the platform and power starts to flow through me.

"Kessler's positioned a mobile jammer on each island, and the damn things are cloaked. They mask the frequency emitted by the Ray Sphere, which is why no one can find it. The dishes along the bottom of the platform are set to find the jammers. As I find each one, I'll tell you where it is - then you can go down and destroy it. Don't get off the platform unless I tell you to. We need to time this right if we make a single mistake, Kessler will move the jammers and we're back to square one,"


"As I scan for each jammer, we'll have to be pretty close to the ground, so be sure to watch our backs. Once I have its location, we'll be able to speed up,"

"Don't worry, I'll take of anyone that crosses our path,"

After I say that we take off in search of the jammers.

For 5 minutes, I'm defending the helicopter when John stops it.

"All right. I've found the first jammer. Head down there and destroy it. The jammer's cloaking is durable, so try overloading it with a lot of energy,"

"Got it,"

The place is also being guarded by the First Sons, so looking for the jammer isn't getting any easier.

After clearing the space out, I search the surrounding area. While I'm rounding the corner for what feels like the 50th time, I spot an object that looks like it's distorting the space around it. It's the cloaking device. I summon a very powerful lightning bolt from the sky onto the jammer. The cloak flickers and eventually gets destroyed.

I head up to the helicopter and John starts to talk.

"Good work. I've finished scanning for the next jammer we're heading to its location,"

John continues.

"Probably don't know this, but I was chasing you the day of the blast. Tried to stop you from opening the package. If I'd been a minute faster, we wouldn't even be here,"

"So what happened?"

"Lost me when you ran a red light. Amazing, isn't it? One red light, and look what happens. So, what's your plan for getting out of the city?"

"Hell if I know,"

"Well, you'd better come up with something. If you think they're going to let someone as powerful as you just run around, you'd better think again,"

"I appreciate the concern, but I'm not really worried about it,"

"You should be. You think they're not going to try and re-create the Ray Sphere? I gave them copies of every schematic I could get my hands on. But even if that fails, they still have you. Their own personal WMD. My guess is that they'll capture you and lock you up, only letting you out when they need somebody wiped off the map,"

We stop at another building and John sends me down. Then, I find the jammer and destroy it.

I get back on the chopper and we head to the next jammer.

We stop by ground zero. Where I first got my powers. Of course a jammer would be here.

"The last jammer is somewhere in the garage, but I can't pinpoint its location. You're going to have to head down there and find it,"

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