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"What if I do something stupid like fall!" Louis rambles as he and Zayn are driving to where Harry asked to meet. "I'm sure you'll be fine! You need to calm down, well be there soon." Zayn tried his best to calm Louis down but he was also nervous being a very anti social person who hadn't meet some new in quite a bit.

"Oh but what if i fall on him and we get hurt and someone has to call the paramedics because Harry broke his arm or something and he blames me for it an hates me forever!!" On the outside Louis is freaking out but somewhere inside he knows that they are so excited to see Harry again.

"You'll be fine Lou, do you need a minute before we go find them?" Zayn said as he parked near the indoor skating rink. "Yeah yeah I just need a sec." Louis snuggled deeper into his seat and took deep breaths while Zayn hummed Louis favorite song. They sat there for a minute before they both decided to head out and find Harry and Liam.

They walked towards the building quickly finding Harry and Liam waiting at the entrance. "Hello Louis and great seeing you again Zayn! This is my good friend Liam!" Harry said introducing Liam to the boys. Zany and Louis introduced themselves and the group went inside the building. Harry checked in for the group and walked everyone over to the skates booth.

"You lot get your skates and I'll be sitting right over there," Harry said pointing to a bench walking over to it with his skates in hand. "Hello folks what sizes can i get for you all today?" The boy behind the counter took out a notepad and wrote their sizes down. "Here you go! If you have any issues let us know!" The boys then walked over to where Harry sat with their skates in hand.

" You know, know that i think about it. I don't think I've ever skated before," Louis stated while putting on his skates. "Me neither," Zayn chuckled. "Really? I come here often actually," Harry said, "I have my own locker here to keep my skates and I'd say I'm pretty good at skating."

"Alright well if you can do it then it can be that hard!" Liam said causing the whole group to laugh. "Whatever, if everyone's ready we can go skate now," Harry said walking over to the rink, the rest of the boys soon following. Louis stepped on the ice and almost immediately fell down, he quickly grabbed Zayns arm to keep balance. "Hey don't grab onto me! I'll fall too!" Zany laughed holding on the Louis. "I've got you both!" Liam said putting a gentle hand on their backs to support them.

"Here, Liam you take Zayns hand and I've got Louis,"Harry said prying Louis off of Zayn. "Come on love hold my hands," Harry said reaching out his hands for Louis to take. "All of the sudden im not to confident i can do this!" Louis said clinging to Harrys side. "Its worse if u hold onto me, it will be easier to fall. Just hold my hand. You go this," Harry encouraged.

"Ugh, fuck you and your dimples!" Louis said in frustration letting go of Harrys side and taking his hand. "Thats better, now just kinda walk forward with me okay?" Louis followed what Harry said and they were soon moving.
"Oi! Look at that we're actually getting somewhere!" Louis exclaimed while slowly skating beside Harry. As the couple skates together they noticed Zayn and Liam on the other side of the rink laughing. "They seem to be getting along eh?" Harry said directing louis to look I their direction. "Oh thats great, Zayn was really nervous about meeting Liam you know," Louis told Harry as they skated hand on hand. " I understand that, Liam looks to mean and tough but i promise once you get to know him he's a real softie," Harry chuckled.

Louis and Harry skated in silence for a little bit just enjoying each others company. "I really like you Harry," Louis said snuggling closer to him, "I like you too Louis," Harry said embracing Louis in his arms.

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