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Louis got in car and needed to shake off these butterflies he was feeling. He stayed in the parking lot closed his eyes and quietly sat in his car thinking about Harry. He opened his eyes and glanced over to the bag Zayn had given him, remembering the moment fondly. He grabbed the bag and as he was about to open it when he heard a knock at his window.

He jumped and looked over to see a familiar silhouette, he rolled down his window to see Harry crouched down to level of the car showing of that same handsome smirk. Louis blushed and gave sassy smile trying to act tough.

"How may I help you?" He said gazing at the beauty that was the man standing before him. "Oh nothing just wanted to get your number, you know just in case" Harry said holding out a small piece of paper for louis to grab.

"Oh um sure I guess that makes sense." Louis said hiding the bag and taking the paper. "Well now I'm curious, what's in the bag?" He asked peaking over Louis' shoulder. "Oh it nothing um important," Louis said trying to divert the attention away from the bag, He had not a clue what was in it but I could be embarrassing.

"Aw come on let me see it," Harry said reaching for the bag. "UM I got to get going I'll see you around!" He quickly trying to drive off, but Harry stopped him before he could.

"Darling, I just want to see," Louis blushed and all he could think about was how Harry practically has him wrapped around his finger and they've barley spoken, he didn't even notice when Harry snatched the bag from his car. Louis tried to grab it but Harry had already opened it, revealing a stuffed unicorn, a tutu with pink,blue and yellow colors and a lunch box filled with Louis favorite snacks. Louis' eyes light up at the gift but he hide his excitement when he remembered Harry was standing next to him.

"Is this yours?" He asked with genuine confusion, eyeing Louis in a whole new way. "Um I- no I mean yes um well no but um yes?" Louis was beyond embarrassed and he wished he'd never woken up that morning. "Interesting, well I must be going," He said handing the gift back to Louis and waving goodbye before walking to his car and driving off.

Louis rolled up his window and started to quietly cry as he watched Harry leave. He drove home immediately ran inside crying, "Zezeeee!" He yelled from the living room and soon enough Zayn came running down stairs.

"Oh babe what happend?" He said bringing Louis in a hug before picking him up. "Harry opened the baggie you give me," He said holding the gift tightly to his heart. "Who's Harry Lou?" Zayn asked sitting with Louis on the couch.

"He was the pretty boy who play the tar(guitar)," Louis said fiddling with the gift bag, "He give me this paper then he see the gift." Louis handed the paper to Zayn and continued playing with the bag. Written on the paper was a phone number and the name Harry styles. Zayn tossed the paper aside, they would talk about it later when Louis was a bit "older".

"Well it's over now," Zayn said moving Louis' fringe out of his face, "What do you say we watch a movie, hm?" Zayn picked up Louis and took him up stairs to get dressed more comfortably. He dressed Louis in a princess diaper and a adorable pink leg less onesie. Zayn showed him all the Disney movies he could pick from. "This one Zeze!" He said showing his friend a copy of The little mermaid, his favorite movie. "Of course Lou bear," Zayn put Louis down while he put on the movie.

Louis waddled over to the couch sitting next to his gift. He remembered the unicorn and the other countless little surprises. He took out the tutu and put it on, he then ran to the mirror to see himself. He giggled as he spun around in the colorful skirt, Zayn was about to stop him but before he did he got out his phone. Zayn took a video of Louis dancing then he called his name, Louis turned around and went bright red.

"Meanie Zeze! No take video of me!" Louis scolded jokingly waving his finger at Zayn. "Aww but you look so cute Lou!" Zayn said smiling ear to ear still filming wanting to save the moment. "Mean Ze! Go time out!" Louis giggled pushing Zayn in the corner. "When can Zeze come out?" Zayn asked putting away his phone. "Zeze can come out if he promises to not take video of Lou lou in his princess dress," Louis said fiddling with his tutu head down.

Zayn picked up Louis and held him close, "I would never let anyone see Lou, any video or picture I take of you is for me. So I can keep all these memories of us." Louis hugged Zayn one more time, he loved that Zayn understood him and cared about him. "We watch mermaid now Z?" Louis asked looking up at Zayn. "Of course!"

A/N: FINIALLY DONE WITH THIS CHAPTER!! Sorry for the wait its my last week of school and things have been a mess, but my insomniac self always finds time. I like this chapter even if it came out a bit weird. Though not many have seen this book I am so grateful for the ones who somehow found it. Idk what else to say haha I will see you guys tomorrow bye bye my broski's!

Q:What is you least favorite part of school? For me it's the bitchy people iykyk.

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