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Louis woke up to Zayn calling his name running up the stairs. Louis sat up confused why his friend needed him this early in the morning. "Lou you have to go over to the studio!" He said lifting Louis out of the crib.

"Wat?" Louis replied still confused why his friend woke him up from his slumber. His head was still fuzzy and he was very much still little. He wanted to go under the covers and hide from his responsibilities, he knew he couldn't but he sure wish he could. He looked back at Zayn with puppy eyes.

"Come on Louu! You need to be big I'm sorry," He said releasing Louis from his headspace. Louis gave Zayn a grumpy look before  unenthusiastically walking over to his "big boy" clothes and throwing on an outfit. 

"So why do I have to go to the studio? Simon said I had done all I needed to do?!" He yelled as he ran around the house looking for his keys and shoes. "I'm not sure something about a new employee, I think?" he said following Louis as he ran around the house. "Whatever I'll go for a bit and then come back, can u stay here?" Louis asked not wanted to bother his friend about coming back to his house.

"Of course Lou," he said putting his hands on Louis' shoulders, "I'll always be here when you need me." He kissed the boys forehead before giving him the mystery bag. "Here you Boo, take it for the road!" He hugged his friend and gave him one last goodbye before heading out. Louis stepped out into the brisk winter air and began drive to his studio.

Louis stopped behind someone at a red light and checked his phone for a second. He looked up to see the light was green and the person in front still hadn't moved. He waited for a bit trying not to lose his temper but the man in front was on his phone and didn't even notice! Louis honked at the car and gestured to move, but the car didn't budge and people started to honk at Louis as well. He sent a death stare to the man behind him and honked the man in front and popped his head out the window to flip him off.

The man finally noticed and moved, Louis just rolled his eyes and continued driving. He soon noticed the same car following him as he drove. He was a bit creeped out but continued driving, it wasn't worth the hassle he'll go away soon he though to him self. When Louis pulled up into the parking lot of the studio he noticed the man park right next to him. Confused and annoyed Louis got out of his car to call him out.

"Hey man! What your problem!?" He said going up to the mans car. The man got out of his car and stared Louis in the eye. "Hello Louis, pleasure to meet you," he said with a smirk holding out his hand. Louis looked at the man, he was much taller then him and had gorgeous clean dark hair that curled beautifully. He was wearing a sharp black suit with Chelsea boots and a sparkling smile and mesmerizing green eyes. Louis was in awe of the man that stood before him not muttering a word.

"Well we best get going then hm. Wouldn't want to be late now would we?" He said leading Louis to the studio doors. Louis was so confused but all he could think of was " who is this man? How does he know my name?!". Louis walked in the office space with the man and they both sat down with his manager S*mon cowbell.(Sorry had to censor it, think of the children)

"So I take it you two have meet?" Simon said gesturing to the two of them.

"Um not exactly..." Louis said wanting to know who he the strange man was.

"Well as you know you have just started eith us and dont have band yet and we as we plan on visiting a few places to preform as soon as your album comes out and we'll need someone to play guitar for your band," His manager explained to him. "Hello I'm Harry styles I'm going to be your guitarist," The man said flashing that same snarky yet beautiful smile. Louis eyes where practically hearts not only was this man beautiful, but Louis now got to spend time with him on tour!

"Welcome to the band curly," Louis said gazing at Harry lovingly before turning back to Simon, "soo can I go home now?" Harry laughed at Louis comment and his heart melted. Not only did this man find Louis funny, but his laugh was something he could listen to for days.

"Yes Louis I suppose you could go home, but Mr. Styles I will need you stay," Simon said directing his attention to Harry. Harry gave him a wink before Louis went out into the crisp winter day with a smile on his face.

A/N: OMG I'm such a talented bean! I Iove this fic soooo much and I can't wait to write the next chapters! And even if no one reads this I am having so much fun writing it! Y'all have a good night and I will see you tomorrow! I told my madre I was nb and it took her 35 minuets to answer and I practically had a heart attack lol. Any way what do y'all think? I'm proud and its much better then what I had been writing before! Have a lovely night!!

Q: What's ur favorite emoji? Mines 😎

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