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Louis felt a warm feeling buzz over him as he watched Harry walk away. He caught himself smiling like a complete dork at thought him and Harry's next date. He felt mindless driving home, he was in a total state of happiness and he felt as if someone else had taken over his body and left nothing but wonderful thoughts of Harry to float in his mind.

Before he knew it Louis was home, he stepped out of the car and heard footsteps running to the door.

Louis paused and the door opened and Zayn pulled Louis inside. "Louis! It's been so boring without you here!" Zayn wrapped his friend in a hug and Louis hugged him back while simultaneously trying to take off his coat.

"Well you didn't have to stay here Z, you could have gone home," Louis laughed and sat himself on the couch. "Didn't feel like driving, anyway what do you feel like doing?"

"'M not feeling small enough," Louis said sinking deeper in the couch. Zayn knew that was some sorta lie, he knew Louis better then anyone.

"Oh really? Too bad I was really hoping we could maybe go online and buy that toy you've been wanting but if ur feeling to big I guess we ca-"

"Nooooo I wanna go shopping zz! Can we go shopping on computer? Pleaseeeee?" Louis made his best puppy dog eyes and Zayn smiled proudly. "Alright babes let's get you changed first." Zayn carried Louis upstairs and changed him into a adorable diaper covered in small purple flowers. "What do want to wear Lou?" Zayn asked the exited little. "Dino! Dino!" Louis yelled.
Zayn thought for a moment before walking in Louis closet searching for the perfect thing.

"Close your eyes Lou," Zayn sing-songed, Louis giggles a squeezes his eyes shut. "Okay okay open!" Louis opens his eyes and Zayn was holding up a fluffy dinosaur onsie. It had spikes along the back leading down to a tail.

"Zz! It perfect! I wuv it!" Louis jumped into Zayn's arms. "Aww, okay do you wanna get dressed babe?" Zayn asked the boy, who obviously agreed. It did take a little but of struggle with Louis squirming the whole time. "Boo could you stop wiggling for me?" Zayn talked very gently trying to keep Louis still. "But I'm e'sided!" Louis whined.

After finally getting his onsie on Louis ran to the mirror in his room and twirled. He looked in the mirror with the biggest grin. Zayn watched him spin around giggling. "I think it's missing something. Don't you?" Zayn said. Louis looked at zayn confused watching him rummage through Louis accessories.

He pulled out a crown and ran over to place it on Louis head. "Perfect!" Zayn said taking a step back to look at the ball sunshine that is Louis. "I love it Z! Can we go shopping now!?" Zayn chuckled and noded picking up Louis to take him to his room.

Zayn put down Louis carefully on his bed and went off to get his laptop. Louis looked at the perfectly made bed and sat very still trying not to mess it up. He grabbed his tail and brought it to his lap. He counted the spikes and pet the soft fur. "Whatcha doing Lou lou?" Zayn said sitting next to Louis and petting his hair. "Nofing just playing wif my tail,"Louis said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Well,where do you wanna shop first babe," Zayn said opening his laptop. "I wanna new paci!" Louis said, one of his favorite things to do was look for pacifiers to his already huge collection. Zayn agreed and they began scrolling at thought the internet. Zayn sighed wishing he could buy them for himself. He knew Louis said it was okay for him to be little near him, but he just wasn't all that comfortable with it yet.

"That one's pretty!" Zayn said pointing out a Lion king inspired paci. "I no like it but I know you favorite movie is the Lion king!" Louis pointed out, "you could gets it for yourself Z." Zayn shrugged, "I'm fine, we're shopping for you right now Lou."

"But you love simba!" Little Louis just wanted Zayn to be happy!

"Its alright babe, I dont want any little gear. Its my job to take care of you and you only," Zayn said which pulled Louis out of his headspace.

"Zayn I already told you it's okay," Louis said attempting to comfort his friend.

"I know but it still bothers me, I just want to help you. I told myself I'd be ok taking care of you and that I didn't need as much help as you did. I'm sorry Louis I should have been more honest with you," Zayn felt guilty admiting all this, he's always felt guilty admiting he need help. He felt bad knowing Louis has gone throught so much and here he is being so selfish only thinking of himself.

He felt tears building up and he swore at himself, he was making this such a big deal. "Hey hey, calm down Zayn, your alright. I told you that your fine doing whatever you need to do to feel comfortable. You deserve all the love you give me everyday," Louis hugged Zayn and they held on to eachother as Zayn cries turned into quiet sniffles. "Now is there anything in particular you want to do today?" Louis asked letting go of his friend.

"Movie?" Zayn asked as Louis shut off Zayns laptop. "Of course Z,that's sounds fun! Let's go," Louis held out his hand for Zayn to take. They walked down stairs to the kitchen and Zayn sat at the table while Louis ran around the kitchen grabbing random stuff. "What are you doing Louis?" Zayn asked to with Louis dumped everything he was carrying on the kitchen table. "We need snacks! You go build a fort and pick out the movie," Louis ordered and Zayn beamed with excitement.

He ran to the living room and moved the couch away from in front of the TV and of to the side. He ran into the kitchen and stole four chairs for his fort. He placed two on one side and the other two parallel to the first chairs. He then carefully placed a blanket on top.

"It not comfy enough," Zayn thought outloud and ran upstairs to grab a few things. He stole ever part of his bed spread then took some pillows from Louis crib. He threw it down the stairs and Louis giggled as he saw it all fall.

"I wanna help!"Louis scream as he picked up the fallen pillows and added them to the fort."Is perfect Z! I gots all the snacks ready." "Thanks Lou, but what movie are we gonna watch?"

"You pick!" Louis was so so happy Zayn got to he little with him. It was a side of Zayn he'd never thought he'd see. "Wanna watch Nemo?" Zayn asked huddling under the fort were Louis soon followed. "Mhm!" Louis muttered after stuffing his face with chips. The movie started playing and Zayn felt something was missing. His teddy! He ran to the guest room were his things were hidden and grabbed his plushie. "Were you go Z?" Louis asked, "Got me teddy," Zayn replied.

"Zayn make Lou lou baba and get Lou dummy?" Louis asked, to which Zayn happily agreed making himself a bottle too. "Lou can I borrow a dummy?" He asked before joining him in the fort. "Yea Z, you gonna change? Your clothes don't look comfy," Zayn was wearing jeans and a long sleeve sweater. "Can I borrow pjs?" Louis nodded and Zayn went upstairs to change. He changed into a dinosaur set and grabbed a dinosaur dummy. He also changed into a nappy just in case.

Zayn had never felt this happy while regressed. It always felt like a burden being little till now at least. He felt like everything was going to be okay like finally he could take a break.

He went back downstairs and enjoyed a much deserved movie marathon with his best mate. By the 4th movie they feel asleep tangled within one another. Two content littles and one perfect night.

A/N:I really need to get a better update schedule then just updating when ever. Thank you to @ILoveStitch3322 for reminding me! It's been a hell of a week and something really serious happened recently and it's been on my mind lately. So I'm still in school, and not to long ago we went into lockdown due to an active intruder. I lasted 40min and was by far the most terrifying thing I've been through. No one was hurt at all but I'm still in shock. Please please stay safe out there and if you ever feel unsafe or threatened at school for any reason speak up. Stay safe out their my broskis.

Q:what's an update schedule you guess would be up for? I know mines bit wonky but I want to try and be more consistent in my updating!<333

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