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❝ there was a whole magnificent soul
 burning brightly behind her shy ❞
— atticus

"Empty your pockets Artemis," Leon ordered, shoving him in the shoulder.

"Okay, fine. But if you find any Monopoly cash, just know some stores take them". Leon rolled his eyes and stretched his hand forward.

"What stores possibly take Monopoly cash Art?" Adonis asked, knowing how much he hated the nickname.

"Places. Back in Edinburgh". Adonis laughed, his gaze flitting to the glass screen behind him.

From where Adonis sat, the view was breathtaking. The moonlight created hues of white and blue against the scattered trees. Further down, the lights of different cabins began to turn on, and he smiled.

After his much-needed rest (unfortunately interrupted by Asher blasting some Taylor Swift song), he was awake and ready to make the most of the next few days.

He walked into the kitchen, and a smile graced his face as she watched Thea and Avya dancing in the kitchen. Her hair was in a small bun, wisps which had escaped the bun framing her face. She was beautiful. And all his.

He cleared his throat, leaning against the doorframe to watch the two. Thea made her way over to him and smiled at him locking her hands around his neck.

"Hey," she whispered lovingly, pressing her face into his chest. Adonis kissed her hair, mumbling a soft 'hey' back.

"How was your nap?."

"It'd be better if you were there." Adonis didn't need to look at her to know her cheeks were turning the red hue he loved.

She laughed into his chest, and he smiled at her, his dimples making a rare occurrence. "I'll be there tonight," she smiled, smoothing out the wrinkle in his shirt.

"You'd better be. What's on the menu?."

At his question, her face lightened, and she grabbed his hand excitedly, dragging him into the kitchen. Thankfully, Ember had the fridges and pantry stocked before they arrived, and they had everything at their disposal.

He placed a hand around a waist as she animatedly described everything they had cooked. From Ayva's homemade garlic bread to the garlic prawn sauce they made. Vegetarian enchiladas for Ember, who was trying out a new diet, and spicy chicken biryani in honour of Asher's ancestry.

Adonis hung onto every word she said, voicing his thoughts where he deemed fit.

"It all looks amazing," he whispered, pressing a small kiss under her ear. Thea shuddered and sent him a slight glare, eyes flitting to Ayva, who sat on her phone in the corner of the room.

He shrugged, his hands reaching to grab her butt, and left the room, promising her he'd make sure to try everything she cooked and more.

Day #1

Adonis woke to his stomach grumbling, induced by the smell of pancakes wafting through the gap in his bedroom door.

He groaned and turned over, reaching to pull Thea into his arms, and frowned when he came in contact with a pillow.

Climbing out of bed, he trudged across the room, seeing the carpet of snow sitting across the balcony. All the rooms were lucky enough to have their balcony, and he turned his head to see Leon taking photos of the morning sky.

He slid the door open, cursing at the cold wind whipping his face. The sound of a shovel scraping against the ice and the soft crunch of the snow underneath his slippers caused a smile to tug at his lips.

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