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❝ but the damage was done the moment our eyes met ❞

Adonis blinked. She blinked.

He shook his head. He shook his head again.

Standing in front of him was a goddess. Her hair was a light brown which fell over her shoulders in loose waves, framing her face. Staring back at him were tear-filled eyes.

Snapping out of his daze, he barely noticed Onyx brushing past him to pull the girl into a hug. Wrapping his hands around her knees, he softly whispered, "You're okay. Do you want a tissue? I think Addy has some". Pulling away from the hug, Onyx blushed a bright red, clinging back onto Adonis' thumb.

Adonis shifted his gaze to the pavement. His heart was still thumping wildly against his ribcage. He had never felt this nervous before. Around anyone. Clearing his throat, he lifted his head back up only to find her gaze still on him. His skin prickled.

"U-um, I-I", he swallowed failing to make eye contact again. The girl stepped back wiping her tears with the back of her hand. Adonis stared back silently. Noticing that she had begun to shake, Adonis stepped forward, hands ready to catch her.

She was having a panic attack.

Gasping, she scratched at her throat, sobs racking through her fragile body. She stared forward, eyes glazed over with tears. She seemed to stare into the distance, her body frozen against the rain.

Adonis took a step closer to her. She trembled at his closeness raising her fingers to her mouth. Noticing that her phone had fallen onto the sidewalk he picked it up, wiping the raindrops off the screen making sure to keep his distance.

"You need to breathe", he stated calmly maintaining eye contact.

"I-I-I need to find m-y-", the girl choked, scratching at her throat which was turning a ghastly red. Adonis stepped closer gently prying her fingers her hands away from her throat and holding them in his.

Her fingers were extremely soft compared to his. Rubbing his fingers over her knuckles, he slowly motioned for her to breathe in and out. Although she paid no mind, her eyes frantically scanned their surroundings.

Noticing her breathing had increased, Adonis slowly lowered her to the ground, her dainty fingers wrapped in his. He slowly patted his hands over her hair, careful not to startle her. He remembered Asher telling him he would play soft music whenever Maddie had a panic attack.

Removing his phone from his pocket, his hand never leaving hers he softly played relaxing tunes.

He sat next to her with Onyx in his lap waiting until her eyes had returned to their soft blue hue. They were like sea-worn glass, gorgeous like the earth after rain. Beauty held within the depths of the sea, a treasure chest waiting to be opened, although they held a sadness. A sadness Adonis himself could see.

Onyx wriggled in his lap drawing his attention from those baby blues.

"Are you okay now?", he asked eyes flitting around. He wasn't going to be caught staring.

The said girl cleared her throat, playing with her cardigan. It was clear that she was embarrassed so Adonis didn't ask any more questions and simply sat there keeping her company. The silence was getting overbearing and remembering her phone he had kept in his pocket, he slid it over to her.

She reached over to grab it from him and as their fingers brushed, Adonis' breath quickened. He pulled back quickly stuffing his hands back into his lap. He desperately fought the blush that threatened to spill across his cheeks.

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