Chapter 8

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Olivia's pov:

I stared blankly at my apartment door that I will soon abandon.

Josh was busy trying to comfort me on the journey to here, it worked slightly. He's currently at his car getting the boxes we're going to use to pack my belongings. He seemed really hesitant on leaving me alone but I insisted that it would be fine and Adam wouldn't be able to do anything in the short amount of time.

Now I'm rethinking that decision. I'm trying to not overthink because it'll lead to an anxiety attack but seeing these details of my apartment literally haunt me of what Adam used to do.

I fidgeted with my fingers until I forcefully stopped to knock. I knocked three times. Knock. Knock. Knock.

I was already shaking in my position, hoping that Josh would be quick. Seconds passed until curse words reached my ear. It was too familiar. This got me more nervous at the tone of his voice until I started to hear footsteps travelling closer to the door. They suddenly stopped. The door was then creaked open.

"Olivia Rodrigo. It's about time you showed up." Adam spitted out.

"I need to get my belongings." I muttered out, I wanted this to be quick. Hearing Adam's voice already triggered me.

"Not so easy babe, we need to talk first." Adam snarled. He was grinning mischievously at me, waiting for a reaction. This set me off.

"Don't fucking babe me, there's nothing to talk about. All we did was break up and that's it! I'm sick of your attitude towards me, it's sickening!" I yelled out in anger. I immediately brought my hand up to mouth, shocked at my outburst. I looked straight at Adam's furious face.

"So your slow ass brain finally realised that me taking advantage of you is wrong. I find that so amusing. I just hope I fucking scarred you with all those marks I left on your body. You spoilt bitch." Adam stated but it didn't stop. I knew that. My blurry eyes saw his hand raising, clenched in a fist. My eyes were following it as it was being raised. I wasn't planning on defending myself, I realised long ago that it was pointless.

"Don't fucking touch her." A sudden voice came from beside me. I slowly moved my face towards my left and instantly sighed in relief at the appearance of the person. Josh.

His eyes are full of concern and anger as he glared at Adam. This is their first time meeting, it isn't the best start and I don't think they'll ever be one with Adam.

Josh's hand was placed on Adams wrist holding it down with force. He eventually let go of Adam's shaky arm and looked over at me with guilt.

"Sorry I didn't come soon, I got bombarded by fans on the way back." Josh said with a small apologetic smile. I smiled back at him until we remembered that someone else was there. We both faced him at the same time as he roughly coughed.

Josh's face immediately changed to a disgusted look. He still seemed irritated by my ex so I gently stroked his hand for some comfort. I was shocked when I felt his hand grab mine to hold it. He seemed really protective. I bit my lip to try and hold back my smile.

Joshua guided me past Adam through the doorway, making sure he was behind me. I was partly surprised that Adam wasn't saying anything to us. He just stood there watching us blankly. I was hoping he would stay like that until we're done packing my things.

A few hours had passed and we were finally finished. Me and Joshua both sighed in exhaustion as our eyes hovered over the closed boxes. We hadn't eaten or taken a break so we're both really tired. My eyes felt heavy as I walked towards Josh to hug him tightly for some warmth. I rested my whole body on him as I felt so drowsy. I yawned in his chest. I felt guilty knowing he felt the exact same way but he handled my sudden weight and hugged me back.

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