Chapter 3

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Joshuas pov:
Olivia made her way towards me and this other guy who didn't look like he's supposed to be here but I shrugged it off and focused on Olivia who was already here shuffling herself in between the gap. I gently placed my hand on her back as the other guy did the same thing.
The man behind the camera was shouting hysterically at us, trying to get us more closer and "together". Even though there was hardly much space to do that we still tried to take a few steps forward and we leaned in more. I quickly glanced at Olivia at the corner of my eye to see if she was alright but i couldn't help but notice how uneasy she was. Was she uncomfortable because of me or am I overthinking?

I looked around to see if there was anything bothering her but I got completely distracted by the camera man who was telling us to focus. Olivia remained like that yet I didn't have the chance to ask her what the problem was until I saw it.

All I felt was anger wash over me, how can Olivia just stand quietly smiling whilst a fucking random dude was touching her under that skirt?

I knew I couldn't make a whole commotion by shouting or saying anything and so I immediately grabbed the guys hand and took it off of her with force.

It startled both of them, Olivia shuffled uncomfortably and the guy just completely glared at me like I was the problem. I controlled myself to not say anything but it slipped out of my mouth . "Don't fucking touch her."  I gritted out, i wasn't thinking straight as I was so enraged by someone being so disgustingly invasive towards Olivia. I thought that people would have more respect towards her but it seemed like I was wrong.

She was someone I cared about for so long and seeing that happen just hit a nerve. 

The guy broke our eye contact and left silently without looking back , luckily he was heading out but I didn't care where he went all I could think about was Olivia.

Does this happen regularly with her? Why would she not say anything? The thought of this happening more than once made me go tense, I know Olivia and if this ever happens to her she wouldn't be afraid to say anything but this was different. I would've thought she'd be a bit more brave or stronger.

I was completely zoned out until I heard Olivia whispering some bullshit at me, trying to calm me down and to "not worry about it".  Which was the dumbest shit I had heard all day, of course it wasn't fucking ok. A guy literally assaulted her. How can she be so careless?

I noticed how shaky her voice was and how tense she had gotten. I didn't want to say anything back at her as it could've led to her having a breakdown or me making her more pissed off.

I decided to keep an eye on her just in case anything else happens to her. I'd hate to see that happening again.

Olivia's pov:
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"
That's all I can say, what the fuck am I supposed to do now?

I can't tell my manager or anyone, they won't understand and wouldn't even care. This has happened way too many times yet I still struggle to defend myself, no one will understand.

Josh was the first one to ever defend me in these type of situations, I have to admit I did have some butterflies in my stomach when he did but I couldn't take my mind off of how angry he looked. He didn't even try to hide his emotions, he was clearly pissed off. And now he won't take his eyes off of me, it's obviously uncomfortable but I don't want to confront him. And I know he has so many questions to ask about this whole thing, I have a feeling he's going to find out soon and I can already tell he won't take it lightly. Imagine how he would feel when he finds out that I have a boyfriend that takes advantage of me.

I'm currently in the restroom, hiding myself in a stall trying to cool myself off and think things over. All I wanna do is cry until I go to sleep but I can't, I still have to attend this stupid after-party. Great. More interactions with Mr Bassett.

I need to make sure I don't look like I'm on the verge of crying. If I do eventually cry then that will probably be the 25th time I have cried this week. God I hate this. I just want a break but I can't even have that, my mental health is ruined and I have no one to help me... I don't even have a safe place to go too.

Get yourself together. I repeated several times on my way to the door but as soon as I got out I was met by none other than.... Josh. My eyes landed on his, he didn't look any happier.

Before I could even speak I was dragged away towards this secluded area where there was no one around. It looked so pretty and it was nicely decorated with fairy lights that were hanging between trees.

His grip was tight enough to drag me yet it still felt so gentle, all I could hear was my heart beating continuously against my chest. What was he doing? My eyes roamed around the atmosphere, taking it all in but I was rudely interrupted by some small, quiet coughs from Josh. Obviously to get my attention

What are we even going to talk about? Oh wait nevermind, I totally forgot that I was sexually assaulted in front of his eyes without saying anything.
I didn't want to talk about this right now, especially all alone with him. I still needed some time alone to figure everything out but I guess that didn't matter as he was expecting me to speak up. He was the last person I wanted to talk to, well this is the last thing I wanted to do.

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