Chapter 6

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Joshua's pov:
Me and Liv both exited the building, with me holding her on my back. I can't lie I missed this a lot, I feel like she'll always be my own baby girl, mainly because of when we first started dating.

Her and I were both quite young yet we still had so much love for one another, no other girl has made me feel like the way Liv makes me feel.

We were both in a good mood as we were trying to ignore what had happened, we decided to talk about it tomorrow morning. I made my way to the passenger side of my car and placed her in the seat gently, she slumped back with her arms cradling her legs, I found it adorable. I went to the drivers side, and put on some music to fill in the silence, I specifically put on some Taylor swift but she wasn't in the mood to sing along, I didn't blame her. I did notice her give a small, subtle smile at the corner of my eye.

"Do you want to get something to eat?" I asked in case she was hungry. She just shook her head and said she was fine. I made my way to my apartment as I figured that it wouldn't be right for her to be alone. I felt like she needed someone to be there for her.

It was already so late, we were both really tired. I arrived at the building, I parked my car and got out to open Olivia's car door. I picked her up again and entered the building. We did get a few stares along the way but no one asked, their eyes shifted from me to Liv with confused looks. I guess it's because we looked like a complete mess. I went to my apartment door and inserted my key, I felt warm breaths tickling me on my neck. I smiled at the thought of it being Olivia.

I had to place her down on the couch slowly but she immediately got up.

"I have to go freshen up. Do you have any spare clothes I can wear?" I gently nodded and smiled as she awkwardly asked. She had already taken off her black heels, I noticed a hint of relief wash over her face as she did so.

I went to my bedroom and got a grey hoodie and some sweatpants for her. I went back and noticed her looking around at my apartment, it was the same one when we were dating.

I passed her the clothes, and she gave a quiet thanks as she went towards the bathroom. I smiled as I admired how she still remembered the layout of this apartment.

I decided to change in to a navy blue shirt and some grey sweatpants. It felt nice being in some comfy clothes after so long.

A few minutes later I heard the bathroom door creak open, Olivia then appeared in front of me. Her make up was taken off and her hair was put up in a messy bun. She still looked beautiful without having her makeup or hair done.

I grinned seeing her in my clothes, the hoodie was the same one she used to wear when we dated. It looked perfect on her.

"We should probably go to bed now, let me show you the guest room." I obviously knew that she didn't need help but I did it anyway. I slowly walked passed her to direct her towards the spare bedroom. She followed close behind. I was going to leave her alone in the bedroom after I showed her but she immediately grabbed my wrist. I was confused as she avoided eye contact and just stared at her feet.

"C-can you stay? You don't have to though!" Olivia blabbered out, I smiled sweetly at her request. Of course I wouldn't mind, is she crazy?

"Of course Liv."

"T-Thanks Joshy." My heart skipped a beat when I heard her say that, it had been so long since she had called me that. It was quite hesitant as she said that but it didn't matter, I still loved it.

I saw her go towards the bed and shuffle in, I did the same thing and layed beside her. I shuffled closer to her so she could rest her head on my neck, it still fit perfectly like it always did. I rested my head on hers as I wrapped my arm around her side. I gently rubbed her back as she placed her hand on my chest. We were both now comfortable in our positions, I looked down and glanced at her face, she was smiling as she had her eyes closed. I smiled back as I was glad that she felt secure in my arms, I slowly pulled her in and planted a small kiss on her forehead.

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