Huh, a date?

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After being at the pier for literally the entire day I went home so I could get a little bit of rest. I unlocked the door and sent straight up to my bedroom. I plopped down on my bed and slipped off my shoes. " feet are killing me...!" I groan and try my best to crawl up to my pillow. I reached over to my alarm clock and set it for 3 in the morning because I hadn't picked out my school clothes yet. Once I finished it there I rested my eyes so I could at least take a nap.

I glanced at my clock. It had said 3:00, just like I wanted it to. I yawned before getting up and walking over to my closet. I looked down at the floor to see a red box. I carefully opened it and it had a note inside.

" Dear Y/N, if you see this before it's time for school could you try to meet me at the center of Amity Park's park, where there is a circle of trees? If you can't I understand. -Sincerely, Danny Phantom "

I read over it a bit worried. Why else would he need me at night? I quickly switched out of my pj's and into a flowy jumpsuit. I put down one of the sheets of paper I got from Vlad. I closed my eyes and carefully thought if the place I wanted to go to. The portal then opened and I walked through. I stepped out behind some bushes to see Danny sitting on a picnic blanket with a basket next to him. " Hey Danny, what happened?" I asked. " Nothing...I just wanted to invite you on a date. " He replied with a smile. " Huh, a date?" I asked out of shock. He nodded and patted the ground, signaling for me to sit. I listened with a confused look. " Sorry if it's too early, you were sleeping and I just thought you might wake up soon. But yes, this is a date. " He answered like it was normal. It wasn't normal for two people who don't like each other to go on a date.

" But you don't even like me. " I raise a brow, hoping that he would continue. Instead, Danny grabbed a sandwich out of the basket. It was a turkey sandwich with only meat, no sauce or cheese,  just like I like it. He pulled out one with all the toppings that he enjoys. " Wow, this is good. Thank you. " I thanked him with a smile. " It's my pleasure..." He sighed and looked up at the sky. " You know you're really pretty, right? Especially under the moonlight. " He complimented, making me blush. I mumbled a thank you while looking at the ground. " Where is all of this coming from Danny? I'm worried of you. " Hald of me wanted it to be a prank, the other half was enjoying it. " I just couldn't contain my feelings any longer. I feel...happy around you. " He chucked a bit. " Did your romantic common sense go to the Fenton? " I laugh while raising a brow. " Why do you think that?" He questioned me. " Well, you never liked me before. I don't want to take advantage of Full Danny's feelings. " I answer with a sigh. " Are you sure? " He asked and kissed me. I stared at him while it happened, and even when he pulled away. " I-I'm sorry... superheroes shouldn't abuse their powers for the bad." He apologized and turned away. I sat there, thinking of what I should say to make him feel better. Like a hug? Or telling him that it's alright?

I decided that the best idea was to kiss him on the cheek. When I did his face turned a light shade of pink. " Can we not mention this to Sam and Tucker? Or the other Danny? I don't know how they would react." I asked him. He nodded and we both cleaned up the picnic stuff since I still had school in the morning.

After Danny flew me back home it was 4:30 and I was too busy thinking about what happened to focus on school stuff. He kissed me, it was weird but kinda nice. I never kissed anyone before intentionally. Meaning not when I was controlled by Kitty. He must like me, but only sometimes, or else it would've happened before now.

I snapped out of it and started to get my clothes ready for today. I picked out some leg warmers, arm warmers, black shoes, and s jumpsuit similar to the one I have on right now. Today could be a good day if I let it be. Although no one knows what happened other than us two it's fine.


•Swiped Right Off My Feet• Danny Phantom x Fem-ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now