Getting Saved

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As me and Pauli ( My new nickname for Paulina! Cool right?! ) walked into the lunch room and got our food. It was pizza day and strangely enough, they had a BLT option but without the meat. I decided on that since it was the only appetizing choice. Me and her sat down and began to dig in but suddenly the ground and walls started to shake. I looked around and saw a green woman with a apron on yelling. She pointed towards the area I was in and meat went flying towards me. I felt my body freeze up. And I closed my eyes, ready for impact but it never came. By the time I opened them I was being carried by a boy with white hair and glowing green eyes. " You okay?" He asked me with a worried expression. I was taken back though, he was so heroic. I've never seen a super hero, I didn't even know that they existed. " Hello? " He questioned as he snapped his fingers. " Oh yeah, I'm okay..." I answered as I rubbed the back of my neck. I'm Phantom by the way, Danny Phantom." He said with a smile as he set me down. He quickly went to go fight afterwards.  It was incredible to watch, even thought Danny Phantom got knocked back a couple times. It was still really cool to watch though. By the time the fight ended it was still a bit startled but that's alright. Danny sucked the green woman up inside of a thermos and quickly sealed it shut. A sigh of relief left his lips as he phased through the floor. I was the only one left in the cafeteria. The only thing there other than me was the giant mess. I turned to look at the door as I heard someone running towards it. " Y/N, Are you okay?!" Daniel Fenton yelled holding onto the door frame as he tried to catch his breath. I shook my head and walked up to him. " Yeah, I'm alright Daniel. I got saved by some kind of hero boy with white hair. " I told him with excitement. It wasn't every day something like this happened to you. A few times in the past at you had seen ghosts and your mom fought them and was successful. Since then she has been obsessed and always trying to find them. You were honestly interested in them but they were hard to find and a bit dangerous. " School is canceled for the day  because of- y'know..." He rubbed his neck with a smile. " Oh, thanks for telling me." I thanked him. He walked me to my locker and I got my bag out. " Want me to walk you home?" He questioned. " Sure. Um how was your day so far?" I ask him. " Uh it was fine I guess, just a little hectic with the ghost and all..." He tells me. " Haha, I understand. This is my 4th time seeing a ghost. I think that's actually the reason I moved here. My mom has been loving ghosts lately which is kinda weird. " " Oh, my parents are into ghosts too. Also you don't have to call me Daniel, you can call me Danny instead." He tells me with a slight chuckle. " Okay, Danny...tell me about your friends." He nods his had before speaking. " Well their names are Sam Manson and Tucker Foley. Sam likes goth stuff but she's...nice. and Tucker was my bestfriend since childhood. " He answers and continues talking. My mind trails off on other things like Danny Phantom. I thought all of the ghosts were bad and dangerous, but apparently not him. " Every heard of a guy named Danny Phantom?" I ask him, hoping to find out more information. " Yeah I heard of him. He is like the town hero. He's totally cool." Danny answered as we walk up to our houses. " Well thanks for walking me home Danny, I appreciate it. " I thank him and he gives me a wave as he walks into his own house and I go to mine. It was basically a half day but I was way more drained than I thought it would be. I pulled out my Pda to see a few messages. Some from my mom and some from Paulina. Mom's said that she was going out soon so if I wasn't home when she got there I shouldn't be alarmed. Which was weird since her car was outside but you just ignored it. The one from Paulina was asking if I was okay. I texted Pauli that I was alright and I decided to take a nice little nap...


That's the end of this chapter, sorry it was so short, I was a but busy. Anyways I hope you enjoyed, stay tooled for the next part. Buh bye!

•Swiped Right Off My Feet• Danny Phantom x Fem-ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now