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★ ૮₍ ≧ . ≦ ₎ა DREAMY NIGHTS !!

the girl's brown eyes fluttered open, the sound of waves crashing together and the salty scent made her frown. it was a few days after the almost kiss incident– so why was she at the beach again?

"hey." a voice brought her out of her thoughts causing the girl to sit up instantly and look to her right where the voice came from. her hands digger deeper into the soft but warm sand.

there he sat in all his glory, foolish. his brown hair messy almost like he ran his hands through it a million times, his brown eyes watching the waves crash against each other. his normal kind smile gone– replaced with a stoic expression.

"a beach? why did you choose a beach?" her tone was nervous, her words shaky almost like the first time she met him in her dreams. foolish hummed finally looking at her, a small smile forming on his face.

he seemed stressed but relieved. "i don't know, maybe because going to the one with you made me feel good? should i have chosen another place?" melody watched as his eyes scanned her face for any negative reactions before he looked towards the water again.

only then had the ginger realized she could see all of his features, none were blurred like they used to be– perhaps meeting him in person made whatever controlled these dreams allow her to see all of him at once.

"no, no the beach is nice." her brown eyes scanned him once more before following his gaze to the water. it was almost scary how much this dream beach looked like the one her and foolish had been too.

the water blue with shades of a sunset painting the delicate waves. a warm feeling fell over the girl causing her to lean back in the sand. "i'm glad this is just a dream– it would be a hassle to get the sand off my clothes yet again." she joked to break the deafening silence.

foolish let out a dry chuckle, almost as if it was a pity laugh. "yeah... hey are we okay? like are you mad at me?" he looked over at the girl, his brown eyes full of such sincerely that it could scare any non-committal girl.

melody bright her knees up to her chest, thanking whatever god for allowing her to be wearing shorts. "i'm not mad at you, maybe at myself but not you." resting her cheek on her knees she looked over at him.

the boy sighed running a hand through his messy hair causing some brow strands to land perfectly on his forehead. for some reason melodys hand twitched– she wanted to fix the strands and push his hair back but she knew better.

"are we really sweeping it under the rug? or can we talk about it?" his tone was soft and quiet. almost as if he was afraid she'd force herself to wake up right then and there and leave him all alone in the beach dream.

melody closed her eyes allowing her vision to get dark with white spots dancing behind her closed lids. she knew he'd bring it up, but she at least hoped they'd have more time before she had to face her own fears.

"no– i mean no we aren't sweeping it under the rug, were adults not teens we should talk about it..." she muttered keeping her eyes closed. not being able to watch his reaction made it much easier plus the white dots made her feel at ease.

a warm hand resting on the top of her head caused her eyes to flutter open pupils following the arm up to his face that had one of the softest smiles she'd seen on anyone.

"i don't regret what i did, if karl hadn't called me i wouldve gone through with it." his tone full of confidence caused melody to frown. why didn't he regret it? why would he have gone through with the kiss? she couldn't have meant that much to him, theyd barely known each other.

lifting her head up caused his hand to fall off her head and back to his side. she looked out at the waves watching them crash against each other making bigger waves before turning into smaller waves that disappeared completely when they hit the shore.

sometimes she often wondered if that's what her anxiety was like– if it got bigger before it'd slowly get smaller then eventually disappearing completely once shed calmed herself.

"went through with what?" the girl flinched hearing her voice sound so unsure and quiet, almost like a child talking to a stranger for the first time. "melody, please look at me." the ginger looked over at him instantly.

she hadn't heard him sound so serious, it was almost nerve racking. making eye contact with him she left out a shaky breath she didn't know she was holding. her nose intaking the salty air trying to calm herself.

he looked like a father about to scold his child for getting in trouble. his smile gone, his lips pulled into a tight line, brows furrowed and eyes watching her own carefully. "i wouldve kiss you right then and there. and i wouldnt have regretted it."

melodys eyes widened, hearing him say it as if it was a simple 'hello how are you?' was terrifying but somewhat soothing. it made her feel so many different emotions that she was sure were showing on her face since his expression softened and a small smile appeared on his lips.

maybe her slow timid mind needed to hear him confirm what she suspected, that he really did want to kiss her– that he really was going to kiss her that day on the beach and that it wasn't a one sided feeling.

"why?" she hadnt meant for her thought to slip from her mind through her lips. foolish shook his head causing his brown locks to fall over his forehead, melody bite back the urge to push his hair back, now wasn't the time.

foolish fixed his hair before sending her his star shining smile, his white teeth shining at her. his eyes wrinkled as he looked at her. his cheeks dusted a light pink as he spoke, "why? because i like you. have for a while melody,"

the girl stared at him, her expression morphing from one of shock to happiness. there it was, her dream boy liked her, and had for awhile. she had someone right in front of her that confessed to liking her– that confessed to wanting to kiss her.

she felt happy, she felt warm. she also felt like her heart was going to drop down to her ass any second which was terrifyingly thrilling for the anxiety racking girl. as she moved to open her mouth her vision went white.

suddenly there was no sound of the waves crashing, no salty scent in the air, no hot sand under her palms that felt nice to touch. and most importantly no dream boy infront of her. instead it was her texture ceiling staring down at her. "fuck." 


our favorite shark boy confessed!! who cheered?

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