Chapter 24: Let's Fucking Kill Everything

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Gathered into the open, the rebels and Vox Machina fight off the undead, trying to keep them at bay.

Percy fired his pepperbox, taking one zombie out after the other. Archie closes his ax through one of the undead "Assault from all points!" he shouts, hacking at the undead.

But one got stuck on his ax, he gasp, reeling his ax back and pulling the undead with it, but the head was shot clean in half.

He tosses the half head away and looks over at the exile prince, a grin on his face at his old friend, "You and me, just like the old days." he jokes then stops an undead.

"That desperate, are we?" Percy questions as he fires at the zombies, taking hold of one and taking out the head. "You know, but back then, we could take on the world," he informs, dicing at the undead.

"My men would be honored to fight alongside a de Rolo if you would only tell them," Archie informs, looking back at the exiled prince.

Percy reloads his pepperbox, "Unlikely." he answers, dodging the undead that lunges from behind and snaps its neck. "Although, I did keep a smelly son of a cook from being executed." Percy shot back as he ducked from a lunge of undead and fired at it.

Archie takes out an undead head with the swing of his ax. "Oh, that was you? I remember some gangly twat yapping at me through the bars." he jokes again, but something catches his attention.

Scanlan was screaming from Kyria's back as she was sprinting, with Duke Vedmire right behind them. "Come here, you little shit," he growls.

Scanlan was barely hanging on as his arm was giving out. She leaps over one of the undead, the gnome unable to hold on to his lost grip.

The witch lands on her feet, sprinting forward, but the bard just smacks onto the ground, tumbling forward with a shout.

Causing Kyria to slide to a stop as she looks back, "Scanlan!" she shouts, going to run back, but Jason smashes in an undead head.

He looks over, seeing that Kyria tried to go and help the gnome, but was stopped undead steps in her way, snarling at her. "Shit!" she shouts as she jumps back.

Scanlan looks back, seeing Vedmire marching towards him, "You're one to talk. You've got enough mean on you..." Percy starts as Archie off. "Scanlan, behind you!" he calls out, cutting Percy off as it drew his attention.

The gnome makes a run for it as he trips, and just as he pulls himself up, Vedmire towers over him as the gnome steps back, "Oh, no. No, no, no!" he begs as the Duke reels his sword over his head and brought it down.

But Archie jumps in front, blocking the sword with his ax, but Vedmire grins at him. Jason took his chance and ran up and picks up Scanlan throwing him over his shoulder "GO!" Archie orders.

Jason nods at him and takes off, then the rebel leader shoves the duke back as he twirls his ax and slices under, dodging the blade.

Kyria steps back as she held the arms of the undead at bay, snarling at it then tosses it to the side and smashes the head right under her foot.

She looks back, watching as Archie stood back to his feet and lunges as they sliced at one another. She and Percy stood still. Watching closely it was quiet for one moment until blood spew out from Archie's waist, he falls over dead as he was split in half.

Kyria went blank for a moment until her eyes locked onto the Duke, a deep rage burns inside her, and her shocked expression curled into a rage as the duke looks back at the dead rebel with a grin.

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