Chapter 9: Your Soul is Forfeit

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Kyria just shakes Vax's shoulder, "Wake up, Vax." she calls to him again, "Step off, bitch!" Vex snarls as she fired her arrows. 

But Delilah stops them, breaking them in place, then waved her arms, a scream echos from her dark magic, knocking them back.

But Vex pulls herself back up and fired again, as Grog shouts as he charges into the fight. Delilah vanishes as Sylas just steps back, dodging Grog's axe. "No one kills Vax but me!" he shouts, charging after him. 

Kyria turns her head as she saw Pike join her, "He jumped from the window, hitting the pole on his way down! Then-then he crashed into the water!" she rambles, tears forming in her eyes as she was terrified.

But Pike just places her hand on her shoulder, "It's okay. It's okay, I'm here." she assures her then looks down at Vax. "I've got you Vax," she tells her, gripping her amulet, Jason just stops next to them, Shield in one hand as his mace in the other.

He looks at Kyria, her hair unkempt and wet, blood dripping down her side, her dress ruined, crystal cracked, tears streaming down her cheeks as the fear was clear in her eyes.

Anger rose as he looks back to Sylas then charges at him, "You're a dead man!" he shouts, swinging his mace at him, but Sylas dodges both the mace and axe. "Come on, come on, come on, please," Pike mutters, as she tries and heals Vax.

"Please, wake up," Kyria begs, her hands hovering over his head. Grunting to himself, the two just looked at him as he opens his eyes, taking in air. "Thanks, Pickle. I had him right where I wanted him," he said to her. Pike just smiles as Kyria just exhales with relief.

But then that darkness pulses, stronger this time, making her whole body go rigged, her fear turns back into anger, and she looks away as she presses her hand to her face, covering her eye. Pike just looks at her, "Kyria? What's wrong?" she asks.

But Kyria couldn't hear her as she slowly turns her head and looks at Sylas and Delilah. 

Remembering how Vax ended up half-dead. Widen eyes, shook with rage as her crystal glowed, cracking more. Allowing markings to slither up her neck, stopping at her face "Kyria..." Vax calls out weakly.

She sets Vax gently on the ground then rose to her feet, animistic growls leaving her lips as her canine teeth sharpened, becoming longer, eyes turning two different colors. Black, covering the entire eye, and blood red for the orbs.

The blackness consumes her entire hands, her nails became long black talons. Pike and Vax just look at her in horror as she stood there, snarling. 

Completely different then she vanishes from their side, the gust of wind, shot at them. Forcing them to look away.

Jason falls flat on his back, blood trickling down the side of his mouth as he held his side, he glares up at Sylas as he just smirks at him, "These are Emon's Protectors of the Realm?" he questions, Jason just pushes himself up.

Then slams his fist right into Grog, knocking him back, but Percy took a shot and hits the man right through the shoulder, he staggers for a moment, making Grog smile as Jason was just shocked. But Sylas just smiles as he looks at them, and his wound immediately closes up.

All three just looked worried, "Oh, shit. That ain't good." Pike calls out. Sylas just laughs and pulls his hand to his shoulder, from the shadow, he pulls forth a black ebony sword and points it right at them. "My blade thirsts," he tells them, but he gasps in shock, feeling claws rip through his back, tearing his clothes and skin.

The paladin was taken by surprise, seeing that something even hurt him, "Nice one, Grog!" he calls out. But was immediately pulled to his feet by the goliath. "It wasn't me," he tells him.

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