Chapter 22: Six bullets, One Shot

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Vex and Keyleth prop themselves up as they looked at their charmed friend, that was turned into a lackey Vax dodges his punch "We can't stop Grog, so let's stop wasting our time on him." she spoke and looks over to Anders, who had his back turned to them and faced an angered Fire Ashari.

She drew back her bow and aimed at the professor. Jason groans, trying to resist, but the sensation overcame him as his brown eyes were glowing silver.

He exhales, raises his head, and looks at the towering Ashari as he stood to his feet.

"You're a weak and shivering coward, demanding power being handed to him on a silver platter," Kyria growls at him, flexing her claw in front of her.

Anders glares at her, "You know nothing about me." he growls back. A sick and disbelieving smile graces her face. "Ha! Really? I know you enjoy the feeling of dead children before you. Children! You enjoy crushing innocent people under your feet!" she snarls, pulling her claws to the glass and scraps them against the glass.

An eerie sound imminates from the claw scrapping against the glass, "No wonder the de Rolos restrained you, your ambition is so huge, I'm surprised you're not choking on it." she states dragging her claws off the glass as she stood before the shocked professor.

She frowns, tilting her head to the side, "Then again, every cattle has its uses, until they outlive that use." she said, widening her eyes with every intention of murder.

Anders took another step back, but then saw a shadow step up behind her. The fear was gone as he looks back at the fire Ashari.

"I make still have my use yet," he spoke, his hand at his hip, Kyira glares at him, but before she could take another step, arms wrap around her, taking her by surprise as her arms were pinned at her sides and lifts off the ground.

"Wha..." she mutters, then looks back and saw Jason holding her off the ground. "Jason?!" she spoke in surprise. "Looks like I got through to the paladin.", Jason and Grog spoke in sync.

Then he turns and looks over at Vex, his eyes flared, making hers match, she hesitated for a moment "Vex?" Keyleth calls out, but the ranger looks down at her and it didn't take long for her to fall under the charm.

"If the dumb one can't complete my task, there are many more resources at my disposal," Anders calls out as Grog lifts Vax off the ground by his cape, the rogue looks at him for a moment then falls under the sway.

Percy groans to himself, propping himself up as he looks at his friends and saw they were all under his professor's control, but Kyria was held in Jason's arm. "I may not be able to control you, dear witch. But I can make you watch as your friends kill you, de Rolo," he calls out.

She growls and struggles in Jason's grip. "Pay attention, de Rolo. I want you to know how you died. And who did it to you." Anders states as Vox Machina stood between him and Anders.

"Your friends." they all said in sync, Percy wobbles as he stood to his feet and aims his pepperbox, but couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger.

He dodges the arrow as it pierces through the glass case. Anders chuckles aloud as Jason stood next to him, forcing Kyria to watch. Grog steps forward, slamming his hands at him, Percy pulls away and dodges the incoming daggers.

He jumps back, but a vine shot out from the floorboards, taking him by surprise and pins him against the wall as an arrow pins his arm. "Percy!" Kyria calls out, as the others form up in him "No escape this time, welp." Anders calls out to him.

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