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I'm baaaack!

"Life", is all I can say. I've honestly been entirely too busy these past several months to even sit down and write, and the only reason I'm able to type up this quick message is because hubs took the kids for an outing this afternoon, and since I used my free time to get some housework done, I only have about 5 minutes or so until they come back and I've got to put my mom face on again :)

Full disclosure here: I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with this story, so it may sit stagnant for a long time until some inspiration hits. Honestly, I'm just proud of myself for actually hitting that "publish" button as I wrote chapters!

However, I do have an original story that I started working on last year, and I'm eager to get back to writing it, so do be on the lookout for it hopefully soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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