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You ever re-read your own work in progress and think, "Love it! What happens next??... oh wait."

That's me, currently 😆

Bear with me though. I'm actually working BACKWARDS. I had some ideas for the *ahem* climax of the story (nudge nudge) .... (I swear I'm not a twelve your old boy 😅)

Anyway, now I'm trying to fill in chapters to get from "Meeting Charlotte" to a spicy little chapter entitled "Tattoos" (and if you're not into that sort of thing, I'll have a chapter after "Tattoos" up at the same time so you can skip the *ahem* climax 😆 and move on with the story in a PG fashion).

It's coming along, people! Thanks for sticking with it even though it's taking forever.

Also, I have a few other stories in the works, an original fantasy-romance, and some romance fanfics (movie versions of books) that I started years ago and have yet to complete. Let me know if you'd like to see any of these posted next after this story is finished:

Twilight: (Carlisle / OFC ... because I have a thing for blondes and even though Esme/Carlisle are perfect, I wanted to do something with a new character sans sweet Esme)

Hobbit: (Thorin / OFC ... because I have a thing for broody characters and Richard Armitage as Thorin is just 🥵*chefs kiss*)

Harry Potter: (don't hate me 😬 ... Lucious Malfoy / OFC ... again because I have a thing for blondes and also "bad guy to good guy" themes)

And Hobbit/LOTR: (Thranduil / OFC ... see my reasoning for Harry Potter fic 😂)

Let me know in the comments which one I should focus my attention on next!!

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