Office Lunch

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Pam slid into the passenger seat and smiled over at her co-worker. "I missed you."

Charlotte laughed and started the ignition, "Did you miss me or did you miss having someone else around for Michael to harass?"

Pam gasped and put a hand to her chest. "I resent that accusation! And yes... to both."

The two women giggled as they pulled out of the parking lot and started down the streets of Scranton. On a day like today Charlotte would normally drive with her windows down and enjoy the warm breeze, but she knew Pam wanted to spend time chatting, so she left them up and let her friend continue the conversation.

"You know, you handle him really well. We were bragging about your skills to David on the way in."

"He seems nice," Charlotte acknowledged.

"Oh, David's great. Jim and I have become good friends with him. But, don't let Michael know," Pam hurried to add.

"Why not? You don't think he'd be happy that you're buddies with the CEO? Meanwhile you dodge hanging out with the regional manager like you were dodging the plague?"


Charlotte shook her head with a grin and put her turn signal on. The click click click filled the silence for a moment before Pam shifted in her seat to face Charlotte.

"But speaking of hanging out, do you want to come over for dinner tonight? David's staying with us, and he's good company and all, but usually he and Jim will go out and shoot hoops and I'm left all alone."

"Poor you!" Charlotte cooed. "Well, I suppose it depends on who's cooking."

"We're getting Alfredo's."

"Oh, then I'm definitely in!" she replied enthusiastically.

Pam playfully swatted her arm and rolled her eyes. "While we're out, can we go ahead and pick up dessert? Jim wants a pie from one of the bakeries."

"No problem. Toby gave me some money to pick up Chinese food for lunch and I think there's a bakery on the way."


They returned to the office just as everyone was starting their lunch break. The smell of Chinese food wafted from the bags they carried, and Charlotte tsk'd when Kevin tried to take a peek inside one.

"Not for you, Kev."

When they entered the break room, they spotted Jim, David, and Toby sitting at a table together.

 "Bring on the wontons," Jim said as he rubbed his hands together. The ladies put the bags on another table and began to pass out lunches to the men.

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