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"Museum hopping" weekend was a success. But by late afternoon David and Charlotte noticed storm clouds forming and decided to head back to Connecticut before the worst of it hit. Maybe Charlotte would be able to get back to Scranton without having to drive in the storm. However, just as they pulled into the driveway, the clouds let loose. Charlotte figured she could wait the storm out and still get home before it became too late at night, but as the evening progressed, the rain didn't ease up.

"I know you didn't plan on this, but you're more than welcome to stay here tonight," David said as he came into the room with two cups of steaming tea and set them down before joining her at the window. He noticed her eyebrows seemed to be slightly pinched. "Or I could get you a room at a hotel."

"Trying to get rid of me, Mr Wallace?" Charlotte teased, her frown lines suddenly gone.

"Just trying to make sure you're comfortable, Miss Gray," he said, clearing his throat. Why the hell was it such a turn-on every time she called him 'Mr Wallace'? He could still remember the way they had teased each other that day in Scranton when she had hurt her arm, and the first time she had playfully used his surname. He hadn't been the same since.

Charlotte angled her body toward him slightly then. "I'm perfectly comfortable with you, David."

He regarded her for a moment, and Charlotte tried to decipher the strange look that seemed hidden in his gaze. "Good," he finally murmured. A bolt of lightning and clap of thunder caused them both to jump and then chuckle.

"Well, the guest room is still set up for you."



The thought jumped into his brain uninvited and David quickly shook it away. This was no time for hopeful fantasies.

"I know it's still early, so do you want to watch a movie?" he suggested instead, moving away from the window and toward his TV.

"That sound good," Charlotte agreed and moved to grab her cup of tea from the coffee table. "Want me to make some popcorn? You can surprise me with the movie."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I'll be right back."

Charlotte came back a few minutes later with a bowl of popcorn and plopped down right next to David. She pulled her feet up underneath her before offering him some of the popcorn in the bowl. David smiled and shook his head before pressing the play button on the remote. It seemed natural to drape his arm over her shoulders, and he was pleasantly surprised when she leaned into him with a sigh.

"Can I be honest?" Charlotte whispered about ten minutes into the film.

"Yeah," David whispered back.

"I can't stand this movie."

David gasped dramatically and looked down at her. Charlotte just laughed and shrugged.

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