Chapter Five

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(Your Pov)

"Naaaaaaaaataaaaaaaashaaaaaa!" You yelled in the living room, looking for your friend. "I need to train! Come on!"

"Settle down, will you?" Clint fiddled with his hearing aids, wincing at your volume. He was joined on the couch by some of the others, who all seemed to have the same reaction to your shout.

"No can do. I need to train, but Tasha decided to ditch me." Now, most would be terrified to call Natasha by a nickname. Because most would die. Fortunately, you were immune to such things.

Not that the Avengers knew. Fury was very adamant about that. They knew you had magic, and a rough past, and something about self-healing abilities. But not that you've been alive for over two millennia now.

Damn, you were old.

Fury blamed this on suspicions. Everyone knew about the Avengers, their stories, and their powers. But few in society knew about the other superhuman cases. And the less they knew, the better. He said there was someone stirring trouble in the world, and an immortal would only make them more powerful.

But some lowly second-rate magician? That was of little interest to most.

And you didn't mind. It would have been nice to be able to reveal your real self, but this situation was a close second. You were safe with the Avengers, and people were on your side.

Until they noticed you didn't age.

Then it might be a problem.

But those thoughts could be postponed for another few years. Now, you were looking for your spar-mate so you could touch up your training. Both Fury and the team insisted on it. You needed training. Magic training as well, but there were few ways to progress in the modern world. Stark and Fury said they were working on finding a source, falling short as of yet.

You walked to the otherside of the room, away from the others. "Naaaaaaat!"

"What?" The voice appeared behind you, making you jump around.

"Jeez- You scared me."

Natasha shrugged, hiding a small smile. "You're late for training."

What? You were the one who's late? Before you can snap a comeback, the ceiling started beeping in alarm. Making you jump yet again. Everything was so different in this day and age, it took some getting used to. Namely, electricity. It's as if humans discovered magic, weaving the power into everything they do.

"Avengers, we have a mission." Steve arrived from the elevator, holding a tablet in his hands. Even he- the one who was frozen for 70 years- knew how to work technology better than you. The screen in the room whirled to life as he streamed the details. "There's a group of individuals in the process of tracking enhanced civilians. Our mission is to intercept them."

"Then let's go."


"Clint's down!" Always. He's always injured. Why, Clint? Why? If he was injured, that meant you had more magic work after the battle. You fought against the band of kidnappers, as Natasha tried to download their information. Well, her and Clint. But Clint was down.

You ran to protect her, as reinforcements arrived. It wasn't a large army or anything of such that stood against you, but they were strong. Some were magic-resistant, others strong enough to throw Iron Man around. Hulk hadn't been called out yet, as the team hoped this could be wrapped up without unnecessary destruction.

"Times like this I really miss Thor." Steve said, grunting as he fought one of the enemy's strongmen. "Stark! Got a minute?"

"Not exactly." A blast echoed outside the camp, as a red and gold speck crashed into the ground. "Know what? I'm bringing the party to you."

He stood, shook himself off, and flew off to join Cap. You had finally defeated the asshole who tried to kill you, rushing for Natasha. "You here?"

"Y/N! Perfect timing." She greeted, handing off Clint to you. "Do what you can, yeah?"

You nod, switching rolls from healer to lookout. Clint's shoulder was badly injured, featuring a bullet wound through his shoulder blade. Bones were hard to heal. Your least favorite of what you had to deal with now, between the blood, skin and everything in between.

"Just hold on, Archer." You mutter, pouring your magic into his body. It'd stitch his wound back together, at least stopping the blood loss. The bullet was lodged in the far wall, a clean shot through.

In your distraction, you failed to see the enemy sneaking up behind you.

"Watch out!" Clint said, barely in time as another shot rang out. You didn't have time to do anything. Not knowingly. But your mind was so focused on defense that a shield was created from the crumbs of magic leaking from your healing spell. And that shield may have been thin, but against a single bullet? It folded upon itself to defend you.

The bullet fell to the ground with a small clink.

You're alive. Ha! With a flick of your wrist, you send your own magic bullet through his skull. Moving back to healing Clint, now in a position to watch the newfound entrance.

"How'd you do that?" Clint asked. You were nearly done with the healing.

"I don't know." You whisper back, confused how such a thing could happen. From what you knew, magic came from a single source. Magicians must learn how to tap that source, as well as keep the reserves contained once open. For you, this source was your lifeforce.

It should've been, anyway. It's never been any different. But if your magic was being expended through ways other than the spells... there might be a problem.

"There. Done." You remove your hands from Clint's wound, as Natasha finished her switch of data. These hunters lost any information they had, as well as received one hell of a virus. Tony Stark designed it. You didn't know much about technology, but from what you heard it sounded an awful lot like a weed. It'd choke and destroy everything attached to it digitally.

You didn't know why these hunters wanted the enhanced. Nor how they even learned of their existence. But the team promised to look into it, if only for your sake. Because out of the team- besides Bruce or Steve, perhaps- you were the resident enhanced. The one with the most to lose, so easily at that.

"Rogers, mission accomplished." Natasha spoke, leading your trio away from camp. "Heading to rendezvous."

"Copy. How far off is Barton?"

He laughed from your side, as you radio the Captain. "All's well in birdville." 

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