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The next time I wake up, I'm back in my room at home

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The next time I wake up, I'm back in my room at home. It takes a few seconds for me to recognize where exactly I am. My mind has been foggy since I was attacked, but I'm almost back to normal.

"We have to send her away immediately?" my mom's voice floats softly into my room. I stop moving completely and stare at the door, waiting for someone else to speak. I use my sharingan to see who's here. I see my mother's, father's, and someone else's chakra circled around our dining room table. I can see my father's chakra swirling in anger.

"Yes," the unknown voice answers. "I've given this quite some thought over the past week. Sending her away would keep her and the village safe."

Send who away? Me? I think to myself, but that can't be right. Is it because of my dream? Is it because the Bloody Mist Village wants to use me to bargain with the Akatsuki?

I feel nauseous as the silence continues. I'm paralyzed in my bed, frozen with fear. I don't want to be sent away. I want to stay here with my family and friends. I'm happy here.

"Lord Fourth," my father's voice breaks the silence. "I understand you have to do what's best for the village, but this is too hard for us. She's our only child."

My heart stops. It is about me. Lord Hokage wants to send me away. Where would I go? Does a safer place really exist?

My thoughts are swirling, and my chest feels so heavy. I feel like I can't even think properly anymore. I just wanted to train in the forest. Now, I'm going to be sent away. I don't even know how long I'll be gone or when I can come back. What if this is a trap? What if Lord Hokage feels the same as the Mizukage and wants to get rid of me to get protection from the Akatsuki? He wouldn't. Right?

I shake my head roughly. I can't be thinking like this. I am a Jonin of the Hidden Leaf Village. I will lay down my life for this village. That is the oath I swore.

I collect my strength to stand and open my bedroom door. All three heads turn toward me as I enter the dining room. I stand tall, even though my heart is pounding in my throat. "Lord Hokage," I say proudly. "I will go wherever you need me to go. It is my honor and duty to protect the village, no matter what the mission entails."

I see my father drop his head into his hands and my mother's eyes fill with tears. Lord Hokage offers me a sad smile, but pride gleams in his eyes. No one speaks for a while. My words repeat in my ears, creating a deafening effect.

"I will have a fellow Jonin escort you to your first location. You will learn sage jutsu from Vannea, the great tiger sage in Tora-Numa Forest," Minato breaks the silence as he stands from the table. "After mastering tiger sage jutsu, you will stay near the Raikage in the Hidden Cloud Village. There, you will study and master lighting style jutsu and taijutsu under the Raikage."

I smile wide. I get to learn tiger sage jutsu and lighting style jutsu from the Raikage! I can't believe my luck. This doesn't sound like a punishment at all. I get to become stronger. Maybe I'll be able to unlock my mangekyou sharingan as well.

"Yes, sir!" I respond with a large smile. My parents still seem upset and I begin to wonder if I'm missing something. Lord Hokage still seems solemn. "Is something wrong? Am I missing something?" I ask. I can't understand why no one else is happy. I feel proud and honored the Hokage is sending me away to train and get stronger. If this also happens to protect the village at the same time, I can only see this as a win-win scenario.

"Tsuki," Minato begins. He pauses for a while, taking deep breaths. He seems to be finding the best way to deliver bad news because he'll begin to say something, but stop soon after. I take a seat in between my parents. I have a strong feeling I will be needing support.

Finally, Lord Hokage looks at me. "To keep people from following you, you have to leave without saying goodbye. I will publicly declare you as a deserter, so no one will have authorization to contact you and no one, aside from your parents and the jonin escorting you, will know where you are going. The goal is for people to eventually assume you've died.

"You will not come back to the village, unless you are summoned by myself or another Hokage. Essentially, you will no longer be a Hidden Leaf resident. You will assume a new identity to become a kunoichi for the Hidden Cloud. Tsuki Uchiha will no longer exist," Minato explained very carefully.

"I see," I respond cautiously. Now I understand why the air felt thick with sadness. I feel trapped. Even though the Hokage will present this as an option, I know I have no choice but to leave. Suddenly, everything seems so small. I feel like breathing too deep will cause my ribcage to break open. The gravity of my situation settles on my shoulders, increasing in weight as time passes in silence. Everyone feels so distant now. The silence is too loud.

This is what it means to be a Jonin. I have no other choice. This is my mission and I am to accept it.

"I understand and accept my mission," I say, abruptly standing from the table. My fists clench at my sides as my mother chokes down a sob. My father is silent as I bow toward Lord Hokage, "Thank you for entrusting me with this. I won't let you down."

Before anyone can speak, I turn abruptly and return to my room. I quietly close the door and fall to the floor. I use one hand to cover my mouth and muffle my sobs as the other hand wraps around my torso for comfort. I can't hold back my tears as my forehead rests on the cool floor. The more my reality sets in, the more the tears flow. I quickly crawl to grab a pillow from my bed, screaming into it. Soon, my sobs rock me to sleep. I lie on the floor, hoping this was all a terrible dream.

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