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I stare at the clock in the kitchen, waiting for it to finally turn from 11:59 to 12:00 pm

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I stare at the clock in the kitchen, waiting for it to finally turn from 11:59 to 12:00 pm. I've been waiting for the afternoon to come so I can go see Kakashi. Yesterday was so bizarre for me. First, Kakashi fighting, us sharing an intense moment, then Guy confessing his feelings for me. My thoughts have been so jumbled, I barely slept last night. Plus, my parents aren't even here,  so my birthday morning has been lonely and confusing.

As soon as the clock turns 12 pm, I'm already out the door. The small rocks crunching under my shoes as I run to Kakashi's house offer nice sounds to break the silence. I can't help but smile as I think about our conversation yesterday.

He said he was sorry...sorry for pushing me away, sorry for our friendship. He said he missed me. Kakashi missed me. I never knew he could miss me the way I missed him. For a while, I felt like all the feelings I had for him were completely one-sided. Now, I can't wait to see him again. I need to know what he was trying to tell me before we were interrupted.

My pace quickens as his house comes into view. I'm so excited! I feel like my heart might burst right out of my chest. My cheeks already hurt from smiling so hard. I feel like my Kashi is finally coming back.

I knock on his front door a few times. "Kashi?" I ask loud enough to hear through the door. "Are you home yet?" I knock once more before stepping back to wait. After a few moments and no response, I look around the front garden for the spare key.

I put the key in the knob and twist it open. "Kashi! I'm letting myself in," I say inside the dark house. I step inside and look around, my eyes adjusting to the darkness. I walk into the house more, looking around for any sign he's home.

"I guess he's not back from his mission yet," I mumbled out loud. Just as I turn to leave, I notice a figure lying face down in his living room. My eyes widen and my heart begins to pound. "Kashi!" I sprint over to him. I try to grab him and turn him over, but he softly pushes me away.

"Just leave me alone, Tsuki," Kakashi moans. His head faces the couch, almost like he's looking for something beneath it.

I gently place my hand on his back, trying to comfort him. He quickly brings his knees under him and sits back on them. Swiftly, he grabs my wrist, fingers digging into my skin. I wince as his face is now only a few inches from mine. With both eyes closed, I notice a new wound over his left eye. I open my mouth to speak, but he cuts me off.

"I already told you," Kakashi begins. With every word, his voice gets louder and louder, until he's screaming right in my face. He opens his eyes, revealing a sharingan where his left eye used to be. "Leave me alone, Tsuki!" I flinch as his words pierce my heart.

My eyes widen and my jaw drops. "Kashi, wh-where did you get a sharingan?" I ask, sick to my stomach. I feel like I might vomit all over the floor. He's not an Uchiha, so the only way to get a sharingan is...from someone else. Whose did he take?

"Are you stupid?" He spits at me. I grimace as he tightens his grip on my wrist. His fingers dig deeper and deeper, breaking the skin. I watch as some of my blood drips down his hand. He doesn't even seem to notice.

He pushes my wrist back, forcing my whole body backwards. "Why can't you get it through your thick skull?" Kakashi's words are searing, bringing me actual physical pain. "I don't want you here. I don't want to be your friend. I don't want you around me." I flinch with every word that falls from his mouth. As I move backwards, Kakashi closes the gap, lashing out painful words that aim to kill.

"You're a nuisance to me, Tsuki. Why do you think I stopped talking to you so long ago? I don't want you in my life," Kakashi growls. Tears fall silently from my eyes as I take in his words. I can't move. I'm in shock. Nothing seems real. His "new" sharingan, the injury, his words...it's all too much.

My mouth opens and closes like a fish. I scramble to find any words to respond with or to defend myself, but nothing comes out. His nose touches mine as he grips the front of my shirt. "You are nothing to me, Tsuki," Kakashi hisses. This feels like a nightmare I can't wake up from. He loosens his grip and lets me fall. I look up at him and tears fall from his eyes. "Get out," He demands, pointing to the door.

After a moment, I wipe my eyes and collect myself. I stand without breaking eye contact. "I'm sorry, Kashi. I'll never bother you again," I say, offering a sad half-smile. More tears form as I make my way to the door. With one hand on the open door, I turn to face him one last time. I watch as he cries quietly. "Thanks for the birthday present," I say before finally leaving. His mouth opens softly and more tears fall.

I guess yesterday was a joke to him.

It's hard to breathe while running and crying. I'm blinded by my tears and the pain in my heart. I can't keep running. My chest hurts so much. Everything hurts. I lean on a nearby building for support. I grab my chest and try to get my breathing under control.

I can't seem to wrap my head around what happened. Nothing makes sense anymore. I don't understand him. Why would he say that to me? Why did he hurt me? Where did he get that sharingan?

My breathing quickens, my lungs can't keep up. I'm hyperventilating. I feel so alone. I'm gasping for air. I can't even call out for help. My knees give out under me, and I collapse to the ground.

I feel someone's arms scoop under my arms to hold me up. "It's okay," the familiar voice coos. "I've got you now." Guy. I smile softly, my breathing slows, and I can finally catch my breath. He shifts my body around to hold me under my knees and behind my shoulders. I only remember falling asleep on his chest as he walked to my home.

I wake after a few minutes and look up at Guy. He's always been handsome to me, perfect cheekbones and amazing eyebrows. His haircut is a little silly, but he makes it work. I rest my head into his chest and breathe deeply.

"So," Guy says. "What happened?" I stiffen as the memories came rushing back again. Tears fill my eyes as I take a deep breath. "Kakashi," I breathe out, commanding as much strength as I can. "He said really hurtful things to me." I feel Guy getting angrier and angrier as I recount the details of what happened. He holds me closer to his chest, offering comfort.

"I'm so sorry, Tsuki," Guy finally says after a few minutes of silence. "You deserve so much better." I don't say anything in response. I look up and see we've finally arrived at my house. Guy brings me inside and to my room. He puts me back in my bed, covering me with my blanket. "You should take a nap," Guy tells me. "We can restart your birthday when you wake up."

I smile softly and thank him as I turn over to sleep. After a few moments, I begin to fall asleep, my eyes fluttering closed and my breaths deepening. Just before I pass the threshold of full sleep, I hear Guy's voice softly speaking. "Oh, Tsuki," he sighs. "I wish you loved me instead of Kakashi."

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