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I stare at Kakashi's stunned face for a few moments longer

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I stare at Kakashi's stunned face for a few moments longer. I can't believe this is the same person I grew up with. We used to be so close, but now he feels so far away. The Kakashi I grew up with would never pull a knife on a comrade.

All I feel as I look at him is disgust.

I move toward him, each step getting quicker than the last. Before long, I kneel down, roughly grab his arm, and yank him to his feet. "Hey!" Kakashi cried out in surprise. My walk turns to a run as I drag him to our spot in the forest outside the village.

As we near our spot, I shove him backwards into a tree. "How could you?" I demand as I shove his chest again. I don't have time to think about how I'm touching his chest or how strong he's gotten over the years. Any other time, I would be a blushing, blubbering mess, but I'm too furious with him.

"How could you even think about pulling a knife on Guy? Have you lost your mind?" I ask while grabbing the front of his blood-stained shirt, staring into his eyes, searching for an answer. Kakashi stays silent, but doesn't drop my gaze. "I feel like I have no idea who you are anymore. I don't even recognize you," I switch my focus between each of his eyes. "You're a stranger to me, Kakashi."

He gasps softly, and his eyes widen slightly. I loosen my grip and tears begin forming in my eyes. I drop my hands and my head. "I just miss my best friend," I whisper. A few tears quietly fall to the ground. Kakashi gently places both of his hands on either side of my face, lifting my head to meet his intense gaze.

I sharply inhale, holding my breath. No words pass between us for what feels like an eternity. I feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter with every moment. I feel like I could burn from his gaze.

"I'm sorry, Tsuki."

A small gasp leaves my slightly parted lips. He's... sorry? I stare deeper into his eyes, waiting for him to continue, but he doesn't say anything else. I begin to search the rest of his face for answers. I see a hint of red forming on the tops of his cheeks. Why is Kakashi blushing? Is he nervous?

"Tsuki," Kakashi says, pulling my from my thoughts. "I'm sorry I pushed you away. I miss our friendship. I miss you."

I'm speechless. His thumb begins to caress my cheek. His eyes and expression soften as the seconds pass between us. "The truth is," he begins, drawing in more breath for support. "Tsuki, I have always loved—"


My head snaps over to see Guy and Kurenai standing near the edge of the forest. I instantly move back from Kakashi, creating space between us. His hands fly to the back of his neck as the tension rises. "Hey guys!" I say quite loudly. "What's up? When did you guys get here? How long have you been standing there?" My awkward laughing seems to help, but not much. I watch as Guy glares at Kakashi and Kurenai fiddles uncomfortably.

This is so awkward.

What was Kakashi going to say? I could've sworn he said "love". I wish I could find a private spot for us to finish our conversation. My heart was beating so loud, I thought I was going to explode. I didn't even realize I was holding my breath until I exhaled harshly.

"So," Kurenai speaks up, finally breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Guy and I are gonna go get some ramen. Would you guys like to come?"

Kakashi shifts his weight from foot to foot. "I, uh, actually have a mission at the Kannabi Bridge with Rin and Obito tonight," He says. He passes behind Guy and Kurenai, exiting the forest. "I should be back tomorrow afternoon, so I'll see you tomorrow, Tsuki." He gives me a lasting look before turning away and jogging back to the village.

"What were you guys talking about?" Guy asked. His tone seems sharp and almost accusatory. I wave my hands in an attempt to diffuse the tension. "Nothing! Nothing important at all," I reassure them both. "Let's go get ramen!"

Guy and Kurenai share a look. "Actually, I have to get home to do... stuff," Kurenai mentions casually. "I'll see you guys later!" She turns and runs off toward to village.

It was just me and Guy left in the forest. I look at the village. The sun begins to set just past the Hokage stone faces. I turn to Guy and smile. "Wanna go get some ramen?" I ask, but his face becomes very serious suddenly. "Guy?" I try to get his attention.

"Tsuki, there's something I need to tell you," Guy says, turning to face me. I silently nod my head, encouraging him to continue. He looks anxious. I can't remember a time I've actually seen Guy nervous. He takes a deep breath before continuing.

"Tsuki, I am in love with you," He looks me right in the eyes. I take a deep inhale, not knowing what to say. "Since the first day I saw you, you've had me. You stole my heart with just a glance. Even if I could fight against it, my heart didn't stand a chance. It was a losing battle at the start. I just can't waste another day hiding my feelings. I want to be with you every day. I'm jealous of the sun, moon, and stars watching over you. I just... I love you, Tsuki."

My jaw falls open. "Guy," I breathe softly. "I had no idea you felt this way." My heart begins to beat faster and faster. I feel heat spreading across my face. I watch as his eyes desperately search my face for an answer. There's so much that happened today. My head is completely gone.

"I'm sorry," I say. "Today has been insane for me. I just need some time to think."

I watch as his shoulders drop in disappointment. "Of course," He smiles softly. "Take your time. I'll see you tomorrow, Tsuki." I feel tears beginning to brim my eyes. I desperately want today to be a dream. I want to wake up and start today over.

Guy begins to turn away, but stops briefly. "I almost forgot," He says over his shoulder. "Happy early 18th birthday, Tsuki."

"Thanks, Guy," I smile softly as tears start falling down my cheeks. Today has been too overwhelming. I watch as Guy walks back to the village, less energetically than usual. Exhaustion creeps up my spine as I begin walking home with nothing but my thoughts to accompany me. I hope tomorrow is better.

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