Chapter 31: June 1922

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"Are you sure?" Emma asks Rose as the two convene in the Drawing room, knowing no one will be in there at the moment.

"I thought you of all people would like the idea!" Rose huffs.

Emma rolls her eyes. "I do like the idea and I'd say bollocks to the lot of them, but are you sure about it? You know how the family are. They're not always as open as you think."

Rose had dragged Emma further into her plans for Robert's birthday. It's soon clear that Rose plans on using the band that Mr Ross was a part of as the surprise. Emma hadn't realised that there had been contact between the two and worries about the mistreatment the singer will receive from the family because of their unconscious racism.

"But isn't this a part of the inclusivity you always talk of?" Rose argues.

Emma sighs and rubs her head. "Yes... and I suppose everyone will enjoy it. It's not like they'll want to make a scene if they don't."

Rose grins. "Exactly. I'll contact Mr Ross and organise it."

"Remember, we need to inform Cora about this, well, sort of tell her."

Rose nods eagerly.

Emma squints her eyes at Rose suspiciously. "There isn't another reason why you are so eager to do this?"

Rose's eyes widen and she shakes her head a bit too quickly. "No! I just think it'll be a nice surprise for Cousin Robert."

"Hmm. Mary tells me that Mr Napier and his boss Mr Blake are coming next week, they'll be here for Robert's party." Emma warns.

Rose shrugs with a grin. "More the merrier!"

"I think they may be more interested in the pigs and Mary in Mr Napier's case." Emma remarks with a grin.

Rose nods. "Yes, Tamworth's. We had them at Duneagle. Daddy swears by them."

"It's a new thing for us." Emma says. "Tom's been a bit restless with waiting for their arrival. We haven't done much with pigs before."

"Not disrupting anything else?" Rose remarks with a grin.

Emma lets out a fake scandalised gasp before creasing over with laughter.


Tom tells Emma a couple of days later that Harold, Cora's brother, has apparently come into difficulty in his business. Emma is curious as to why Harold has written to Robert of all people about it though.

Emma and Rose knock on the door and open it to find Cora in an armchair, reading a book.

"Cousin Cora?" Rose greets her as she closes the door behind them.

"I think you can call me Cora now." The Countess says with a smile.

Emma huffs out a slight laugh. "She wouldn't dare with Robert."

"She must dare with me." Cora remarks. "How can I help?"

Rose and Emma sit down opposite her.

"I... we wanted to tell you that we've settled the surprise. For his birthday." Rose tells her.

"Since you won't tell me what it is, I don't know what to say." Cora comments. "But I'm assuming everything is alright if Emma is involved so, good?"

Emma feels a rush of warmth from how much Cora seems to trust her.

"Well, if you're alright with it. Is it okay if we let Mrs Hughes and Mr Carson know since they'll be the ones that has to deal with it?" Emma asks. "It's only on the day. And it's only till after dinner."

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