Chapter 17: March 1920

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By March, Emma is on her maternity leave and is 7 months pregnant, which means Sybil is 4 months pregnant.

She gets a continued update on what is happening at Downton: the many wedding plans, Thomas becoming Lord Grantham's valet, Anna having Mr Bates' mother's house, which was his former wife's residence and the one he had transferred to her before the trial so that it could be rented and the hiring of a new footman, Alfred Nugent. Anna talks of her mission to prove Mr Bates' innocence by going through Vera's journal and making a list of all friends, acquaintances, and tradesmen as Anna wants to question everyone for more information about Vera.

Sybil writes that she and Billy are able to make the wedding but laments at the fact that Emma and Tom are unable to and adds how she has told her sister that she doesn't want to go unless Emma is. It is only a few days before the wedding that Emma receives the money that they need but there's nothing saying who it is from. She shows Tom who wonders that same thing.

"Who would send us the money?"

"I don't know." Emma answers. "Maybe Mrs Crawley or Lady Mary? I doubt it would be Lord Grantham or the Dowager and Lady Grantham as they wouldn't want to go against him."

"Will it be safe for you to travel?"

"I'll be fine. England isn't too far."


Emma looks out of the window anxiously as the car drives through the Village. She can't believe that they had sent a car to pick them up from the station. She is full of nerves but what is reassuring her is the fact that Sybil and Billy had arrived that morning.

The car approaches the house and Emma can see the family and some servants waiting to greet them.

"Oh god," Emma mumbles. She feels Tom take her hand and she turns to him.

He smiles at her. "You'll be all right. We'll be all right."

Emma huffs. "You say that now."

Alfred, she assumes, opens the door for them. Tom steps out first and offers a hand to help Emma down, his luggage in the other hand. Emma steps out with a hesitant smile.

"Welcome and congratulations, Emma." Lady Grantham greets.

"Thank you, my Lady."

Sybil steps forward and gives her a hug, well a half hug considering Emma's stomach. "It's good to see you, Emma."

"You too." Emma smiles, grateful to see someone she knows where she stands with. She spots Billy standing awkwardly next to his parents-in-law as Sybil greets Tom.

Lady Grantham steps forward. "The two of you must come inside to sit down."

"Alfred, would you take the luggage for Mr Branson." Lady Mary asks the footman.

"There's tea in the Library." Lady Edith adds. Emma smiles gratefully at the female members of the family for the kind welcome knowing it must be odd for them to have ex-staff staying as guests.

"Thank you." Tom hands his luggage to Alfred.

As they begin to head inside, Emma turns to the servants lined up outside.

"Hello." She greets.

"Welcome back, Mrs Branson." Mrs Hughes replies and Mr Carson gives a kind nod. Emma is relieved to see smiles from Thomas, Mr Barrow, Anna and Gemma.

Emma turns to the three sisters as they enter the Great Hall. "I hate to ask but we were wondering who sent the money?"

"What money?" Lord Grantham suddenly asks, confused. "Someone sent you the money?"

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