Chapter 7: July to August 1914

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As the months go from May to June to July, Emma notices more tension brewing not only at home but worldwide. She personally feels incredibly tense as she knew and knows what is coming, what will happen. When, on the 28th of June, the Austrian Archduke and his wife are murdered by a Serbian in Bosnia, Emma knows for definite then that war is on its way and it'll be different to any of the wars the people around have experienced; it's not going to be as far away or as quick as they expect.

Emma had gone along with the family for the season. This one was particularly special as Lady Sybil was presented to the King and Queen. Usually, when they go to London, it is not always both Anna and Emma but considering it was the season, as well as an important one, all hands on deck were needed.

Shortly before they went, William had to go to visit his mother as she was very unwell and wouldn't live long.

While Anna returned with the family, Lady Mary had decided to stay with Lady Rosamund Painswick, her aunt, for two more weeks and since she literally can't fend for herself, Emma stayed on with her.

It is quite exciting to be somewhere else other than Downton but not much is happening as Lady Mary is not receiving many invitations, which can be blamed on having done four seasons and maybe the rumours about her, particularly about her and Pamuk now.

Lady Mary herself has confessed to Emma about her reservations about accepting Mr Crawley though Emma can tell she loves him. She tries and encourages her not to put him off too long or he'll get the wrong idea.

Despite enjoying the new environment, Emma misses the usual crowd back at Downton as Lady Rosamund's lot aren't the most inclusive so she feels a bit lonely at times but Lady Mary has allowed her to wander about as much as she wants around the city. Emma couldn't help but find seeing how different the London is here compared to the one she knew.


It is later that Lady Mary had a visit from Mr Napier, who had done some investigation into where these rumours about her and Pamuk had come from. Turns out it had come from the Turkish Ambassador, in particular, the ambassador and his wife. When Lady Mary was telling Emma about it, she at first struggles to answer her when Emma asks her how it had got to them. She eventually told her that people are believing the story to be true because it was Lady Edith who had written a letter to them. Emma is in shock at that.

She knows that things weren't exactly great between the sisters, but to do that?! She can't believe that Lady Edith would actually do that. She also begins to wonder how she knew as well as Emma's suspicions that Thomas might be linked and there is also the fact about how shaken Daisy was. Did he, or maybe O'Brien cause he tells her all sorts, get Daisy to confess?


It is not long before the news of Lady Grantham being pregnant reaches Belgrave Square. Now there's a possibility that this time Lady Grantham will actually have a boy, which put Mr Crawley in a less sure position than before. Emma worries that this will affect Lady Mary's response despite her loving him.

Her aunt doesn't help, with her getting into her head about what'll be her life if it is a boy and how she should wait till after the baby is born. Emma tries to shoot down that idea as best she can that night when Lady Mary talks about what Lady Rosamund has told her.

"But it's not her life, is it?" Emma speaks. "She doesn't know what you truly want."

"But what if she's—" Lady Mary begins but Emma interrupts her.

"Look I'm sorry but can you ever imagine being without him? Truly?" Lady Mary ponders her words.


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