8.1 - Burdens of Friendship

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As Sadie approached Elena, her sadness was visible, yet she still managed to look like a delicate beauty, like a rose in full bloom despite the thorns of sorrow. It pained me to see her like this, knowing that I was the cause of her distress. At that moment, I felt utterly helpless, unsure of how to ease her pain. Unable to bear the weight of my guilt, I made a hasty retreat, desperate to spare her any further anguish.

Although I knew it wasn't entirely my fault, an inexplicable sense of guilt gnawed at me. Sadie deserved the world, but I couldn't be the one to give it to her. I could only hope that she understood what was best for her and found the strength to move on.

I saw my three guys standing by the field.

"Hey guys," I greeted, though sadness tinged my voice.

Liam's question cut through the air like a knife. "Woah, dude, did someone die or what?" he remarked.

Carter chimed in, adding, "Yeah, we've never seen you like this, bro."

"Wth, guys, leave the big guy alone. I'm sure something big has happened, or else he wouldn't be like this," Victory intervened, offering me a supportive nod.

"Right, dude, sorry, big guy," Liam added, his tone laced with guilt for making light of the situation.

"Is everything okay at home?" Victor enquired, concern etched in his features.

"Don't bombard me with questions like that. Everything at home is *sighs* all right. It's not about that—no one's dead, and I don't have any other kind of problems. It's something... personal," I replied, the weight of my words hanging heavy in the air.

It took me a moment to utter that last word. These three had known everything about me, but I couldn't bring myself to tell them what had transpired over the summer break, and not about yesterday.

As the silence lingered, I could feel their concern radiating towards me. Despite their probing questions, they respected my boundaries, sensing the depth of my reluctance to share. I was grateful for their understanding, even if I couldn't find the words to express it. With a nod of appreciation, I changed the subject, steering our conversation towards lighter topics, if only to distract myself from the turmoil within.

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