7 - Courageous Heart

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I woke up in a small room, feeling someone's presence beside me. Memories flooded back – Noah's visit, my dash downstairs for my laptop. A voice, familiar yet distant, murmured, "She's awake, check on her."

"Sadie, it's Noah. Can you see me? Hear me?" Noah's tousled hair came into focus as I struggled to respond.

"Yes," I managed, my head throbbing. I squeezed my eyes shut against the brightness, catching fragments of the doctor's words: "Just needs rest for a few days. Discharged by evening." Hospital surroundings confirmed my suspicions. I couldn't piece together what had led to my extended unconsciousness. It felt like hours had passed in this blurred state.

After spending several hours in the evening, I was discharged from the hospital and brought back home. I felt much improved, although my head still throbbed persistently, my vision and hearing were clear. Reflecting on clichés from TV and movies, I wondered if my accident would trigger Noah's realization of his feelings for me. Did he harbor any sentiments for me at all? I felt utterly confused, longing for Noah to reciprocate my feelings. It was a novel experience, grappling with teenage emotions, a departure from the usual me. Yet, this newfound vulnerability resonated with me, and I embraced it.

Ivy embraced me, her concern palpable. "Sadie, my child, are you okay?" she inquired gently. "Yes, Mom, I'm okay," I replied, surprising both of us.

It was the first time I had addressed her as "Mom." Her shocked expression prompted me to clarify, "Yes, Mom. I called you Mom because you are my mother, and you deserve it. I'm sorry for not saying it sooner. You've always been there for me, a mother figure without replacing her. And I know you love me more than Ivan, so just accept it, Ivan," I said, a soft smile playing on my lips.

I caught Noah's eye and mouthed a silent "thank you" to him. He returned it with a reassuring smile.


It's been a full week now, and I'm definitely on the mend. While the headaches still make an occasional appearance, they're not nearly as debilitating as before. Despite Ivy's understandable concerns, I have to return to school today. Another absence just isn't feasible. Elena enveloped me in a hug, her relief palpable.

"Hey, S, I'm really glad you're okay. Missed having you around," she murmured warmly.

"Missed you too, E. I'm sorry for not telling you anything; things happened so fast, I didn't even get a chance to reach out," I replied, genuinely apologetic.

"A heads-up would've been nice, but Noah filled me in. No need to apologize now," Elena reassured me.

"Thanks, E. You're the best," I said, squeezing her in gratitude.

As I stepped into history class, my eyes landed on Noah, sitting solo. I took the seat beside him. "Hey," I greeted him with a smile.

"Hi, Sadie. Feeling better?" he asked, concern etched in his features.

"Yep, I'm good now. Thanks for asking, and for being there. I hate that you had to go through all that because of me," I said, a tinge of guilt in my voice.

"No big deal, Sadie. You're my friend, it's what friends do. I'm just relieved you're okay; losing a friend like you would be a tough pill to swallow," Noah replied, his smile warm and reassuring.

His words echoed in my mind. Could it be that Noah has finally realized he has feelings for me? The thought sends my heart racing. I can't wait for him to confirm it. Maybe we'll just remain friends, but maybe there's something more waiting for us. It's worth taking a chance, isn't it? Unsure of who to confide in, I seek out Ruby. Being a young women herself, she might offer a fresh perspective on what to do next.

"Hey, Ruby," I greeted with a smile. "Hi Sadie, need anything?" she asked. "Yes, actually, I could use your advice on something."

"Is it about a boy?" she inquired eagerly. "Unfortunately, yes. It's about a boy," I replied, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. "Spill it, who's the lucky guy and what's the scoop?" Ruby pressed.

"You remember Noah, right? The one who came over the day of my accident," I said.

"Oh my gosh, that guy! He's a total catch, Sadie. Great choice," she exclaimed happily.

"I know, but here's the thing. People say he's not into relationships, never had one. I'm torn about whether I should tell him how I feel or not. We're such good friends now, I don't want to mess that up," I confessed.

"Sadie, I've been there. Your brother was exactly like that. No girlfriends, no girl-friends even. I made the first move, got turned down at first, but look at us now – happily together. You should tell Noah how you feel. I can see the difference he's made in your life, the happiness he brings you. Don't hold back, Sadie," Ruby advised earnestly. She was right. What's the worst that could happen? Rejection? I'd just go back to my normal life. Nothing earth-shattering.

"Thank you, Ruby. Ivan's lucky to have you as a girlfriend, and I'm lucky to have you as a sister," I said gratefully.

"I love you, Sadie, and always will. Now go get ready for your mission Noah. Make him yours," she teased with a laugh. "I will," I promised, dashing upstairs to pick out an outfit.

I settled on a pretty light pink dress from my closet, pairing it with sleek black heels. It was the perfect ensemble for today's endeavor.


Elena wasn't around for me to talk to before I talked to Noah, so I had to do it on my own. I saw Noah with his friends, and I didn't want to talk in front of them, so I sent him a message: "Meet me outside the front gate in 5. Need to talk." He said, "Okay."

Summoning my courage, I made my way toward the gate, heart pounding with nervous anticipation. It was now or never.

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