Chapter 29

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Jaune: General, what's the sitrep? How bad?

Briggs: Bad, Jaune. Dew and Gwen just gave me the full report. Nicolas has access to multiple missiles and they're armed. They already sent us the manifest.

Jaune: Show it.

In his visor, a screen opens up as multiple images of documents, pictures of weapons and supplies, locations, blueprints, everything.

Jaune: How the fuck did he get his hands on this?

Briggs: Old Arcadian storage facilities where we housed our weapons. They may be old but they pack quite a punch.

Jaune: So now you're sending us to destroy them.

Briggs: Negative in the missiles but the rest you have full authorization to destroy.

The visor now shows a full on display of blueprints regarding a base.

Jaune: So what's this?

Briggs: Our Spies we're able to get intel on one of Nicolas' storage facilities, I want you and a team to head to that location, find those missiles and secure it. Anything else there, you are cleared to destroy.

Jaune: Roger that.

Briggs: Just watch your toes, Jaune. Mistral has been experiencing multiple firefight and no doubt Nicolas would take advantage of this.

Jaune: Then I'll make sure to put a good fight.

In the Forests of Mistral, the sounds of gunfire and explosions can be heard from the distance. The Arcadian forces are dealing with numerous firefights across the Village, Atlas Elites are holding out Villages and fortifying them with artillery and heavy weaponry.

Meanwhile, a Squad of what appears to be Mercenaries can be seen patrolling the forests. Two men in ghillie suits can be seen proned by the bushes.

Ren: Another patrol.

Jaune: This is the 10th one in the last 30 minutes, this place is heavily guarded. Nora, what's the situation on your end?

Nora is perched up by a mountain side with a Goblin behind her as she overlooks the entire Forest with a Kraber-AP Sniper with 6x Zoom Scope, Extended Magazines, and Suppressor.

Nora: In position, but you have multiple Sqauds patrolling the area, I will provided overwatch and call out your targets. What's the status on your end?

The two ghillie suit Soliders stood up from their positions but were suddenly shot down to the ground.

Nora: Gold Lead, do you copy?


Nora: I repeat. Gold Lead, what is your status?

By the treelines, we see two men armed with Kraber-AP Snipers and seems to be more heavily armored than those two soldiers.

By the treelines, we see two men armed with Kraber-AP Snipers and seems to be more heavily armored than those two soldiers

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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