Chapter 13

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Jaune: Now talk.

Nora: I want to see what bullshit you have for us.

Ren: Nora please. Now Nikos what do you have to say to us cause we don't have all day.

Pyrrha: Why?

Jaune: Why what?

Pyrrha: Why did you all leave me behind?!

Jaune: The why did you leave me behind Nikos? You were my partner and you just threw me away and replace me with someone you just met.

Ren: Nikos, Alister is nothing but trouble. Trust me, Nora and I were lucky enough to follow Jaune and now look at us. We are at a better position then we were when we stayed in Beacon.

Nora: Nikos, you abandoned Jaune. Abandoned us, we promise each other we would stay together as a Team, a Family. But you broke that promise.

Pyrrha: But Jaune wasn't ready, you saw his skills! He could've gotten all of you killed!

Ren: Nikos, did Jaune tell you the real reason why his transcripts were fake?

Jaune: I did tell her, during the night at this very roof.

Nora: It seems she forgot about it.

Jaune: 'Or it was Alister's Semblance'

Pyrrha: I....I, no stop with the lies. Alister told me all of you three were nothing but trouble. I though I found friends that wouldn't treat me like I'm the Mistral Champion and that I am someone special that needs to be on a pedestal. I wanted to be normal and Alister gave me that while you guys didn't!

As Jaune, Ren, and Nora looked at each other. Nora was about to burst out laughing from what she just heard. They wonder if this was Alister's doing or Pyrrha's true emotions.

Jaune had Nora checked if there's anyone in the hallways or check if anyone is listening in on their conversations, he also had Ren check the scanners in his data wristpad and turns out there was no one.

Pyrrha: Nora what are you doing?

Nora: None of your business.

As Nora whispers to Jaune and Ren.

Nora: He's not here, I messaged Arslan and she said Alister is heading inside a Bullhead.

Ren: So this is how she truly feels about us.

Jaune: And here I thought it was all Alister's doing.

As they all look at Pyrrha.

Jaune: Nikos, where's Alister right now?

Pyrrha: He told me he needed to head back Home to Haven? Why? Don't tell me you're going to start a fight with him or gun him down?

As Nora just snorts at that, they will definetly beat him up and gun him down once they got their hands on him.

Jaune: Maybe, and I'll make sure to get a front row seat when you realized who Alister truly is. Me, Ren, and Nora know exactly who he is and the same goes with everyone I know.

Nora: Pyrrha don't you realize what's going on? Why would Alister leave all of a sudden? I thought you're smarter than this.

Pyrrha: What? What are you talking about?! Alister has done nothing wrong! He has been helping me and Team RWBY grow, unlike you Three.

Jaune: Really now, well whatever happens after this. We don't want to see Team RWBY and you crawling back to us begging for forgiveness. Ta ta Nikos.

Ren: Nice talking to you Nikos, well this wasnt a conversation. More like a waste of our time, what happened to you?

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